Video: Christmasy afternoon in The Junction – free music & wrap

With the weather mixing snow/sleet/slush into the rain this afternoon, it’s extra-Christmasy as We Three Carolers and South Seattle Community College (WSB sponsors) sing in The Junction this afternoon – you are welcome to join them at California/Alaska till 3:30 pm. Less than a block away, West Seattle High School band members are performing:

They’re outside Windermere at 4526 California SW – where free gift wrap is available till 3:30 pm for Junction-bought items. Bring your receipt!

1 Reply to "Video: Christmasy afternoon in The Junction - free music & wrap"

  • Trying! December 16, 2012 (9:01 am)

    Thank you! so much to both these groups of musicians and singers. It was cold, rainy and I was trying to walk to the grocery store without getting soaked. Then I came about these intrepid spirited groups. I forgot my mood, smiled, and thanked them.

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