West Seattle Whale Watch: Orcas back in the area

(Photos by Rick Rasmussen)
2:13 PM: Just got a call from The Whale Trail‘s Donna Sandstrom that orcas are in the vicinity again – west of west-facing West Seattle shores, north of Blake Island, at last report. This is one day after killer whales were seen off Ballard’s Golden Gardens Park (great reader video shared by our friends at MyBallard.com).

ADDED 6:07 PM: Donna explains in a comment: “It was a group of about 10 transients, including 3 males and some juveniles. They were on the far west side of the Sound, but clearly visible with binoculars. They were mostly traveling, with some deep dives and possibly foraging.”

ADDED 9 PM: Thanks to Rick Rasmussen for sharing photos! He says, “We were fortunate enough to have a close encounter with the Orcas today. We were sailing NE of Blake Island and they crossed our path and swam past us heading North. It looked like 3 adults and 2 smaller ones. Amazing!”

2 Replies to "West Seattle Whale Watch: Orcas back in the area"

  • Donna, The Whale Trail February 5, 2012 (4:24 pm)

    It was a group of about 10 transients, including 3 males and some juveniles. They were on the far west side of the Sound, but clearly visible with binoculars. They were mostly traveling, with some deep dives and possibly foraging.
    We watched for a good while from Alki. Lots of people saw their first orcas today – a Super Sunday on The Whale Trail! Last seen the orcas were still heading north, closer to the Bainbridge side.

  • Des Moines Dame February 5, 2012 (9:47 pm)

    Once you see them in the wild like that, you never want to see them in an aquarium again. It kind of ruins that whole Sea World thing for you! We are so lucky to be able to observe the orcas in their natural environment! And the seals, and the river otters, and the bald eagles and the… We’re just so lucky!

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