The next WS “grand opening”

Thanks to the Metroblogging folks for reminding me about Skylark Cafe, opening in a week and a half at the Delridge spot that used to be Madison’s. We’re not much for live music but we might go for the food, if the report here (second-to-last paragraph) is true about an ex-Easy Street Cafe person being involved.

1 Reply to "The next WS "grand opening""

  • Lou July 17, 2006 (11:13 am)

    I like Easy Street Café, so let me get that out first, but I personally know a girl who worked there for years and she has told some scary stories about the cleanliness in that joint. She made a firm recommendation to me to never eat there. Not sure if she is still there because I haven’t seen her for a couple years.

    I still eat there but just because I need an Easy Street fix sometimes.

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