Witnessing Two Old Cedar Trees Cut Down

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    There is a beautiful old Irish folk song on exactly that topic, called “Bonny Portmore”, about the demise of Ireland’s old oak forests, one tree in particular. Most of the trees went for English shipbuilding.

    Another related thought that you will never see on the front page: forests worldwide are dying due to climate change. Not just a few trees, but entire forests. You don’t know what you got ’til it’s gone…



    Appreciate the nostalgia about desired trees removed b/c of disease. That is totally reasonable, and no one should feel guilty about saving their house. Cutting down whole madrona trees on our steep high-bluff slopes, ignores the only factor holding the slope from sliding onto downhill neighbors. Will the resulting landslide be blamed on rain, the slope, or the person who cleared the trees? Don’t ask the City of Seattle, who have ignored citations, and even fired an inspector who issued a citation and then refused to enforce the valid citation or fine. Worse than toothless, if they don’t enforce their own established laws.



    There is a beautiful old Irish folk song on exactly that topic, called “Bonny Portmore”, about the demise of Ireland’s old oak forests, one tree in particular. Most of the trees went for English shipbuilding.

    At least one woodcarver I met in Sligo is still pretty peeved about it, too. (Michael Quirke. He’s slightly famous, and justly so.)



    “All the birds in the forest they bitterly weep

    saying, ‘Where will we shelter or where will we sleep?'”

    Makes me tear up every time …

    Loreena McKennitt’s version:




    seaopgal, that’s the version I was thinking of! Gorgeous.

    Question for the OP: was the cutting done on 40th SW near Genessee by any chance? I heard that 4-5 huge trees were cut down at a single residence on that block yesterday – which is illegal. I plan to report it, and hopefully some large fines will follow (but I doubt it).


    Emmy Bell

    Wow, Okay, so to update the cedar tree incident I spoke with the tree services guys while they were taking a break after much composure gathering on my part. They said that they were taking a lot of the trees down but not entirely. They said that they were in the worst shape of any cedars they had seen and it looked like they were approaching it as a complete cut down. They were hoping the massive cutting will help them to regenerate as there were pockets of water in the tops of them that was rotting it through the trunks and destroyed most of the branches which is why it looked like Edward Scissorhands had a new profession. I thanked them profusely for explaining it all to me. They reassured me the crows were not to be harmed just really pissed off. I stand corrected in calling them ravens but we don’t have crows that big back east. I am so grateful those trees are still in my life and I am now bonded with them even more. I have a new understanding of the process through all of the amazing and informative comments and I have learned that there are a lot of us out there who give a !%$@#(sorry moderator) I also learned to practice the Four Agreements from Miguel Riuz not to make assumptions and not to take things personally. Also, thank you CeeBee I will go to that website. I’m still reading through all the comments. I am so pleased to hear that they are overwhelmingly validating and I especially appreciate hearing individual stories of the trees we’ve loved and the painstaking thought that has gone into the care and removal of the ones that needed to come down. As for any criticism again I don’t take anything personally. That would just cause a lot of unnecessary suffering and all comments are useful. My tweenage son teaches me this lesson daily. I’m just glad I could start the conversation. As in nature nothing is wasted and everything nourishes something else. Just so you know, stopthemadness before you compare caring for and talking and listening to nature or interconnectedness as a mental illness it’s nothing new and referred to as interspecies communication. Check it out in Derrick Jensen’s book, A Language Older Than Words and to truly understand what crazy is check out his other book, A Culture of Make Believe.

    My deepest apologies for crying “timber” prematurely, but in my defense this had happened in the same way a half a dozen times on our block this spring. Much was gained and nothing not one of the cedars was lost so far and for all of us paying attention I am proud to be a part of this community and to feel that much closer over the well being of our beloved trees. It’s good practice for whatever is to come.

    I’ll end with a quote from Active Hope:

    When people reveal to us their anguish about world conditions, our response powerfully influences the way the conversation develops. Recognizing the sharing of pain for the world as a crucial communication, we can honor its expression by giving our full attention. Rather than attempting to fix feelings of distress, we accept their validity and significance. Doing this is in itself an act for The Great Turning. google it:)

    Happy Earth Day…Everyday!

    Emmy, proud West Seattle resident


    Emmy Bell

    No, anonyme, the trees were on Trenton and 18th. You’ll see the other two that were completely cut down on Trenton between 18th and 20th with an offensive homage of two bear cubs carved out of the tree’s own trunks. I don’t know the reason for their cutting so I’ll make no assumptions. As for the one’s on Genesee more info is needed but it’s still sad and maybe illegal like you said and worth a follow up. Hmmm Tree Watch of West Seattle?

    Tomorrow if anyone is looking for something to do on Earth Day The Nature Consortium, Earth Corp and I think West Seattle Sustainable is having a clean up day from 9:30am to 2pm at Pigeon Point Park. Beats tabling and pamphlets. Happy Earth Day again.



    Can we submit this thread to the producers of Portlandia?



    one of the reasons i like West Seattle so much is the hint of Portlandia that reaches up and grabs your attention every now and then.

    i placed the chairs on my deck so that i would see the neighbor’s cedar waving in the afternoon breeze.

    i would be devastated to see it cut down.



    I love our cedars and our big leaf maple. They provide nice shade on hot days. The maple gives a spectacular show of color in the fall. We have had generations of squirrels, blue jays, robins, crows, flickers and probably other birds I never see raise their babies and return year after year. The squirrels are pretty friendly and so are the blue jays. The bushes bring sparrows, finches, an occasional bird I can’t identify – all sorts of small birds, much to the delight of our cats that watch out the window. So call me crazy and sign me up for Portlandia, I guess.



    “one of the reasons i like West Seattle so much is the hint of Portlandia “

    “Hint” JoB? West Seattle qualifies as the prequel!

    “placed the chairs on my deck”




    The info re: Seattle’s interim tree protection code can be found here:





    sorry.. i lived the prequel .. in Portland..

    not that much Portlandia here :(



    Speaking of trees….what type of trees are in Lincoln Park? The trees that have a deep red/orange/brown trunk and branches? Just curious, they are beautiful!


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