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October 29, 2012 at 3:08 am #775169
JanSParticipantMike…bullying definitely tells the story…one of the reasons that I have attempted to walk away from these threads. My little heart that says “oink” can’t handle it. The nurses come running to tell me my heart rate is up – lolol…
brew..compromise to you persons on the right means that all just agree with you, go along with whatever you say, because the world knows that libtards can’t possibly have one brain between the lot of us….it get’s so old….yet, you will bend over and kiss Kootch’s behind every time you post, like he is the effing expert on the world and everything in it. Seriously?
October 29, 2012 at 3:17 am #775170
JanSParticipantoh, and do not tell me about Kootch having his own opinions. His post #21/22 above says right at the end…”click here” It doesn’t work no matter how often you click…know why? As another poster has said on here, it’s copy pasta. Kootch simply copied and pasted…and didn’t give credit…so give me an effing break !
October 29, 2012 at 3:28 am #775171
“Typical….when someone has their OWN opinion (rather than Sharpton’s), the lefties resort to personal attacks and blame….at least you are following party lines…. “
if only an opinion were voiced that didn’t come straight from conservative talking points…
i have chosen for the most part to be too polite to point it out.. but you can copy many of the right’s talking points straight from their posts and google them to the source.
i know because i have done so.
i can see why they choose not to link to the sources they use.. but still…
the best actual discussions here occurred during primaries when there were opposing candidates on the left to discuss…
I miss that kind of discourse a lot.
October 29, 2012 at 3:29 am #775172
JoBParticipantOctober 29, 2012 at 4:00 am #775173
kootchmanMemberbrew… Bush colluded with Haliburton, and BP and Peabody.. to create global warming, that will gave rise to Hurricane Sandy, which was programmed by David Koch, who paid a TEA Party member with secret weather controls. to blow across blue states, to supress the vote… and no doubt will have a connection to blocking power companies from restoring power, and shutting down public transit to disenfranchise blue state voting… did I get it all?
October 29, 2012 at 4:02 am #775174
you have been shown the achievements of the Obama administration
refusing to see them as well as refusing to see the signs of a recovering economy is a personal problem that seems to be shared by too many with a similar myopia.
i keep telling you..
turn off the tube.
the reality tv concocted by Faux looks much different if you venture outside your front door.
October 29, 2012 at 4:34 am #775175
kootchmanMemberI read them… and, well, sure didn’t solve much did it? I just the announced layoffs of about 25 major corporations, and last weeks earnings reports… what ARE you talking about a “recovering” economy.. a GDP growth of 2% doesn’t even keep up with population growth.. aim low, shoot low.
October 29, 2012 at 5:37 am #775176
SpodieMemberVoter ID LAWS and letters sent from dirtbags are quite different.
It is completely disingenuous to compare a private attempt to confuse people to State Mandated Suppression.
At least one of your compatriots is man enough to admit what it’s all about:
Thankfully, the Judiciary is checking and balancing your kind.
October 29, 2012 at 6:01 am #775177
oddrealityParticipantJ242,I believe Job was just pointing out the forum rules .
October 29, 2012 at 6:05 am #775178
J242Participantoddreality: I find it rather infuriating that specific individuals are able to incessantly spew hateful rhetoric while the rest continue to attempt to conform to the standards. I have not committed slander, I’ve given opinion and commentary while not breaching the social etiquette of cursing. I think I’m well within the boundaries of the WSB however I will absolutely be respectful of any conditions they may wish me to observe if told so by one of their representatives. I mean no disrespect to the site or the majority of it’s members and I hope that I have been able to convey that.
October 29, 2012 at 6:11 am #775179
oddrealityParticipantBelieve me we are all sick of it. Not just here but all over. I don’t mind your posts at all but would have to see you given a time out.You will learn to dance …
I accidentally deleted while trying to edit my last post and could not remember all I wrote , just the gist…sorry…
October 29, 2012 at 6:13 am #775180
J242Participant“Believe me we are all sick of it. Not just here but all over. I don’t mind your posts at all but would have to see you given a time out.You will learn to dance …”
Again, I haven’t broken any specific rules and have been more than polite. I would expect a modicum of courtesy regarding this in the way of a comment or direct message if I were found to be in violation of any of WSB’s rules before the removal of any posts or limiting of my ability to post further.
“I accidentally deleted while trying to edit my last post and could not remember all I wrote , just the gist…sorry…”
No worries. ;)
October 29, 2012 at 6:22 am #775181
J242ParticipantWell, maybe I’ve been a little less than “polite’ in some of my statements/verbiage in general. I won’t apologize to the target of the comments for it but I will apologize if I’ve offended any of the other readers of this fine website.
October 29, 2012 at 6:27 am #775182
Yes, there are numerous posts in this thread that are in violation of our policies.
I will be deleting them but I have to finish a story. In the meantime, I’m closing this thread right now and will be deciding whether to just delete the entire thing instead of having to spend an hour and a half going back to see how many posts I have to prune. Sorry that no one flagged me until just now. You all may think it’s OK to insult each other but you’re not the only ones reading and our site is, and will be, judged by what’s on it. It has a national reputation for something generally resembling civility.
We allow the national political discussion with some trepidation, and certainly it’s emotional, but if you can’t discuss it without lashing out at each other, this isn’t the place you’ll be discussing it. Thank you. Again, this is your half-hour or so warning – if something you’ve written here is a gem you would like to preserve, take a screen grab or cut and paste because I may have to kill the whole thing.
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