RANT – Fireworks During Seahawks Games

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    To whoever the inconsiderate neighbors are in Arbor Heights who keep setting off huge booming fireworks on every score, every game, every weekend of the Seahawks season, PLEASE KNOCK IT OFF!!!

    My dog is terrified of these fireworks and his fear is just getting worse each weekend. Last night he was so terrified that he squeezed himself through a space under the porch and got himself stuck and unable to get back out. Probably needless to say I did not enjoy the process of getting him out from there. It is really a sad sight to see a 120 lb Akita cowering in fear after squeezing himself through an 8″ gap to hide. I really don’t know what kind of painful acrobatics he must have employed to actually get through there, and it was obviously something he couldn’t do again to get back out.

    Look, I’m a HUGE Seahawks fan. I have enough Seahawks gear to dress in green and blue all week long. I have 12th Man flags. I dress my daughter and myself up every Blue Friday and every game day. However, I do my best to celebrate without scaring the crap out of every dog and veteran and baby in the neighborhood. Can whoever you are please please PLEASE do the same?

    So, beyond just ranting.. what can be done? Does anyone know these people personally that can maybe grab their fireworks and throw them in a bathtub full of water? I know the police aren’t going to do anything. I personally don’t want to confront a drunk neighbor at the time it happens for fear of being assaulted, but at least that might get the police to respond. Any ideas? I’m thinking maybe flyers around the neighborhood and talking to all the neighbors I know, but I’m really at a loss beyond that. The bottom line is I, my family, and my dog cannot go on line this much longer. It is seriously disturbing us and is making me no longer enjoy game day. :( For the love of Seahawks, please stop?



    i wish i knew these people.. but i do know those down the street from me and they have continued in spite of being informed that there are several pets in this neighborhood that are freaked out by fireworks



    I’m guessing it’s most every neighborhood. I know I hear it here in Highland Park, S. Delridge. Also, I haven’t heard it for awhile, and maybe only during on game this season, we had a siren go off, I guess every time the Seahawks scored. Sounded like it was coming from south of 16th & Barton (but sound direction can be deceiving).

    Of course, fireworks are illegal, and even if they were legal, why does it have to be at every dang score in every dang game? Aside from the trauma fireworks cause some humans and critters, it might not be so bad if limited to times such as winning the Superbowl.

    I don’t know if this still happens, but I know during football season of 2012 I was down in the International District, walking toward Pioneer Square, and heard fireworks coming from Seahawks Stadium. I’ve wondered if that was sort of a precursor to them being set off in the neighborhoods.




    they do set off fireworks after the National Anthem, and after a Seahawks touchdown. I’m not sure what to do in neighborhoods, since the police won’t rerspond. We don’t get them much where I’m at in the Admiral District.



    I’m not enough of a football person in general for them to listen to me, but have you considered contacting the Seahawks about this?


    If they truly mean their core values:


    they might at least rethink the example they set with their own fireworks, or maybe even try to raise awareness among their fan base about how veterans and others are affected.



    well, get ready for more…the game is away tomorrow 11/13…starts at 5:30pm



    it was bad enough last night



    Thanks for the feedback all. I hadn’t thought about actually contacting the Seahawks but it’s worth a try. We are discussing trying sedation again, although it didn’t work very well when we tried it a few years ago. The thought of having to sedate our dog for every single Seahawks, Sounders, and Husky game is a depressing thought. We’ve also thought about the Thunder shirt, but sounds expensive to try if it doesn’t work.

    We’re already not looking forward to tomorrow’s game, which is disappointing as a fan. I might take this opportunity to walk around the neighborhood and figure out which house(s) are doing this but still not wanting to confront anyone just yet.

    And yes, last night was bad too. I was busy and unaware there was a game on until the dog started scratching at the door. He was shaking in fear. :(



    what was last night? no local game unless high school…that I know of



    for the record, there was no Seahawks game last night, so it wasn’t them. were the Sounders playing? I don’t pay attention…either that or high school…or something else entirely. It must have been local to the south end of WS…we had nothing here in Admiral. Do you ever go to the neighborhood meetings for AH, Sunuva? I wonder if you could bring it up there.

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 10 months ago by JanS.


    and WA Huskies game is today



    I’m still not sure what the game was last night or maybe it wasn’t a game at all. Just somebody setting off fireworks near us again and we weren’t prepared for it. It seems like somebody or a group of people in a house near us must’ve stockpiled so many that they feel the need to light them off at every chance. With how crazy the 4th was down here this year it’s probably even multiple houses that have stockpiles. We are really close to unincorporated areas where they were easy to get.

    Actually didn’t hear any for the Huskies game today, surprisingly, but it was a loss. I haven’t been to a AH neighborhood meeting yet but thanks for the good idea. I’ll keep an eye out for one that I can make it to. I’m also going to reach out to a mailing list of some of the neighbors we know. Thanks for the concern and suggestions!



    Sunuva, I also live in Arbor Heights. The fireworks situation is insane. It goes on all year now, and the 4th itself is unbearable.

    I think it might be worth a try to contact the Seahawks. Not sure why they would be exempt from the law in the first place, but they are certainly guilty of setting the stage for lawlessness. They should bear some responsibility for that.

    The effect of fireworks on pets, humans, and the environment needs to be taken seriously.



    But, anonyme…they are NOT responsible for the crappy neighbors you have who are breaking the law. I’m pretty sure they have to get permission, permits, to do fireworks in the stadium, just like on Lake Union. They cannot be responsible for that which has not a thing to do with them. And, as noted, if there were fireworks in your neighborhood on Friday night, there was no game. Why should they have to answer for that?

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 10 months ago by JanS.


    I had some success a few years ago during the pre_4th nonsense in gatewood..I located the actual address of the fireworks(being set off during the day and sending my 80 lb dog into a very bad state). It was two blocks away. I stood on their front walk and shouted that it was not legal and needed to stop. They immediately set off another, so on my run back home I gave the address to several people who were out and asked them to join me in calling it in. It stopped that day. You will get best results if you have the actual address and neighbors who will also call in. Best of luck.



    The fireworks are going off again tonight. I’m beyond frustrated. Does anybody know what the event was tonight that would make people want to shoot off fireworks about 7:45? Does anybody know who these people are that can please reason with them to stop this? We already can’t enjoy Seahawks games and now we can’t even prepare because of random events like tonight. I feel helpless. It is multiple neighbors and it is happening multiple times per week. I don’t know what I alone can do.



    By the way, I have read the responses here and they are all good suggestions. However, this is multiple houses in the neighborhood and I don’t know who they are. I’ve talked to neighbors I know. I’ve gone around trying to figure out who it is, but there are just too many of them. It is a problem beyond just my neighbors on my block. When is the next community meeting?



    Seahawks are tomorrow in Tampa at 1pm. Tday? There is college football on. Here’s the schedule for the evening. Not all are on TV…but a few are…

    UTSA 33, Charlotte 14 7:00 pm CampusInsiders
    California 36, UCLA 10 7:00 pm ESPN2
    WKU 60, Marshall 6 7:00 pm ESPNU
    Temple 37, East Carolina 10 7:30 pm ESPNews
    (4) Clemson 56, South Carolina 7 7:30 pm ESPN
    Vanderbilt 45, (17) Tennessee 34 7:30 pm SECN
    (9) Colorado 27, (22) Utah 22 7:30 pm FOX
    (14) Florida State 31, (15) Florida 13 8:00 pm ABC
    Rice at (24) Stanford 8:00 pm Pac-12N / Stream
    Colorado State at San Diego State 9:00 pm CBSSN / Stream
    Utah State at BYU 10:15 pm ESPNU / WatchESPN
    Wyoming at New Mexico 10:15 pm ESPN2 / WatchESPN
    UMass at Hawaii 11:00 pm Oceanic PPV



    I would say celebrating Florida vs. Florida State, but I don’t understand the need…nor the California vs UCLA game. Who cares? Sorry your neighbors are so crappy



    Might have been the Colorado game, which will result in CU playing the Huskies next Friday. Though co-publisher Patrick is a CU graduate, we were not watching the game – we were out covering the crash/power outage situation – and we definitely did not and would not set off fireworks. When we got back from the crash scene, he asked me to check Twitter for the score, which is the only reason it’s even on my radar. The game ended somewhere shortly after 8 pm …TR



    There were multiple explosions in Arbor Heights yesterday, beginning in the afternoon. These boneheads will use any excuse – and who will stop them? During the summer, there is some Neanderthal in Arbor Heights who sets off a bomb at 2 am every night/morning. It’s near impossible to track down the culprits, unless they are right next door. Clearly the individuals who DO live next door are either too cowardly or too complicit to complain.



    Well, I know that at least one of the guys who sets off fireworks in Arbor Heights (mostly during Seahawks games, but other times as well) lives in the right (east) side of the cul-de-sac off 39th just north of 97th. Despite repeated requests to stop, he keeps doing it. We have to arrange our damn schedule around home Seahawks games as my older dog is terrified of the explosions. It’s incredibly selfish and narcissistic.



    melissa.. us too :( my dog and i will be out and about somewhere this afternoon..



    It must have been that Florida vs Florida St game. They were popping off throughout the afternoon, but the biggest and loudest of them went off right around the end of that game. I guess there is officially no way we can plan for this since these jerks will choose any random event as an opportunity to light them off. We are about three blocks away from that cul-de-sac so that is at least one of the neighbors we are hearing. The closest ones to us seem to be somewhere on 99th, close to 37th Ave.

    I’m sorry to hear that others also have to plan around this with their dogs. It is a real pain and it is so inconsiderate of these people to continue doing this even after they’ve been asked to stop. I sure wish the police would do something about it.



    Earlier this morning I filled out the SPD Safety Survey linked here on the WS

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