Moral Hypocrisy

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    The mind doesn’t care if it’s real or imagined, the thought carries equal weight. And we’re able to self-deceive with ease.

    The more we live in our heads and discount our bodily sensations and awareness the easier it is to live a life of moral hypocrisy.

    The heart (body) is still sending messages…ever louder…till either the person pays attention to it or illness takes over.




    good opinion , in my book…thanks, Erik



    Note: Tierney is a rabid Libertarian not above exhibiting his own hypocrisy in the same linked piece.

    He equates Obamas “support” for public financing with McCain’s absolute reversal of not only his statement regarding tax cuts for the rich but his votes and his own stated reasoning on who the tax cuts help.

    Speaking of moral hypocrisy, Tierney has a fairly long history of stretching to extreme lengths to apply bipartisan blame to subjects which clearly should be blamed on Bush/Cheney, while applying the opposite spin to all things Clinton in the 90’s.



    I didn’t know the history, as Ken explains it, but I’m innately suspicious of the comparisons. For example, Spitzer was stupid and arrogant — he was also launching an investigation into hedge funds and, specifically, into the bundling of subprime mortgages. Wall Street was scared to death AND furious. Then, oddly, an FBI investigation was made public. And an investigation and prosecution at the state level disappeared. We went back to the foxes policing themselves.

    In fact, there’s been a spate of FBI investigations against Democrats made public in the past year. I am NOT saying “wrong-doing” by Democrats should not be “punished.” I am saying, it’s odd that the same standard is not being applied to Republicanan officeholders.



    if you take the comparisons out this piece, it still has something worthwhile to say..

    “Politicians are hypocritical for the same reason the rest of us are: to gain the social benefits of appearing virtuous without incurring the personal costs of virtuous behavior. If you can deceive even yourself into believing that you’re acting for the common good, you’ll have more energy and confidence to further your own interests — and your self-halo can persuade others to help you along.

    But as useful as hypocrisy can be, it’s apparently not quite as basic as the human instinct to do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Your mind can justify double standards, it seems, but in your heart you know you’re wrong. “

    and if in your heart you know it’s wrong, you are bound to be defensive about it… and therefore become righteous defending yourself.

    the other interesting point i took for this is that socially, the appearance of virtue trumps actual virtue… and that appearance is dependent upon upholding the standard often set by the most self serving in what you consider your social group…



    i think sometimes when it comes to morality, we choose relative morality over morality…

    and it’s worse when it comes to group morality..

    what they did was worse… so what we do is ok.

    or .. they are hypocrites.. so we don’t have to pay any attention to their examples of our hypocrisy…

    We have integrated this so well into our political system.. that it is no longer important for a candidate to actually tell us what they are for.. but what and who they are against.

    I am inspired by the video clip on the home page this morning… it speaks to the futility of our collective righteous anger.



    “Say it ain’t so John”

    I really, really hope the alleged affair John Edwards is having, is just that, alleged. If the story is true, I’m extremely disappointed. Not in his personal life, per se, that’s between him and Elizabeth. But what the hell was he doing running for president?

    There are no secrets in this day. What if he had gotten the nomination and then this scandal came out? Might as well hand the election to the republicans. I thought he cared more about our country than that.



    So far absolutly everything written about this scenario, is sourcing the National Inquirer.

    I have no problem with investigating any politician as soon as some evidence surfaces. I am however still waiting for these tabloid stories to be investigated or even denied by the parties involved or the corporate media.

    Bush Booze Crisis, National Enquirer, 2/21/2005

    Claw Marks, Globe Magazine, 1/8/2008

    Google search with 197,000 hits

    “Bush divorce tabloid”



    I like the quote supposedly by Laura:

    “Stop George!”

    Surprisingly these gossip rags do get the first scoop on alot of future stories picked up by the media without credit, however they also have many that don’t pan out and thus losing any credibility they try to attain.



    No…. too easy.



    I don’t know if this is true or not…

    and mostly i don’t care except to shake my head and feel sad for everyone involved….

    but this is just one of the opening salvos…

    inquiring minds would much rather know about a possible sex scandal than purged voter rolls…

    True or not, we can’t afford to buy the distraction.

    John Edwards is not running for President.. and with this wannabe scandal, we can be pretty sure he is not running for Vice president either.



    I don’t particularly care what John Edwards does in his personal life at this point, as he’s not running for anything. If anything that was written in THE NATIONAL ENQUIRER (of all places)has any truth to it, I would deem him fairly despicable only from the point that he dared to do it while his wife battles cancer…but that’s just my thing…and I feel that he gets what he deserves.

    On the other hand, the fact that there is news that some voters in Fla, and in southwestern states are becoming disenfranchised because of untruths really pisses me off. And even more when it doesn’t make as many waves as something from THE NATIONAL ENQUIRER, for G-d’s sake! And I don’t see any “conservatives” showing dismay at this very newsworthy story…MHO, of course…

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