Re: What’s with this?



This is directed to the geniuses that think using WiFi is “squatting”:

Q: Why to you think coffee shops offer free Internet? A: So that patrons sit there for hours and consume their coffee and pastries. Anotherwards, to make $$$. It isn’t squatting at all unless you do not purchase anything.

As for moi, I work from coffee shops all over WS and will admittedly not patron a coffee shop that does not have ample outlets. I wish there were more shops with tables that cater to those of us that like to hook up (those long tables that 6-7 people can sit at). And, I NEVER use Wi-Fi when I’m there. Instead I use the EVDO service from Sprint.

Oh, yeah. Standing on the table is pretty dumb, but I would rather watch the lasy fall than say something.