Re: Wanted: Excellent shoe cobbler



Thanks for the postings, guess I will try Admiral too. I live around the junction and because of the convenience have taken shoes for repair at the 42nd street shop called Ron’s Cobbler Shop. The service is poor the man behind the counter does not like answering questions or something, gets irritated everytime i asked a question (question like can you make it the same color is not a silly question, is it?). The last time i was there he made a mistake stitching my leather boots at the wrong place and now i cant take off the stitches because of marking on the boots. No apologies or at least show signs of being sorry. Service is important but hey if you dont like talking to me just get the job done correctly and I will be all happy. Dont think i am asking for too much, but this shop provides neither service nor quality so Admiral, I am on my way … =)