Re: US ranks 41st in world press freedom




I don’t think you can blame the federal response to Katrina on corrupt New Orleans politicians.

Corrupt New Orleans politicians didn’t have any control over the levy that failed.. the US govt did.

and btw.. i have an inside peek into the Corp of Engineers whose head in New Orleans is choosing outsourcing on a political not scientific basis as we speak… and basing the calculations used in analysis and possible reconstruction on data that is known to be suspect.

but that’s what happens when you choose political appointees over qualified personnel. those choices have already been made all over the United States in positions that directly effect public safety…

Katrina is just the most obvious example of federal ineptitude when you appoint unqualified people, gut their human infrastructure and then delegate the real authority to another agency who is not qualified to make decisions in that area.

I dont’ know what you call it, but i call it a clusterf..k .. and the choices that created that situation came directly from George Bush’s white house.

I could go further with his choice to employ blackwater for security.. and their choice to force people back into life threatening situations to protect property…

a prime reason governors like Arnold are no longer so eager to accept federal assistance with a disaster…

Who should we hold responsible?

Most of the people who died in New Orleans did so because of human failure.. not because of a hurricane.

Yes, New Orleans was full of corrupt politicians who made poor choices in the initial phases of the hurricane.. but that doesn’t excuse the federal response that compounded the situation.

New Orleans is still full of corruption… currently funded by federal dollars that were appropriated to help Katrina victims.. not Katrina opportunists.

but helping opportunists would appear to be the primary purpose of the current Bush administration.

As for George’s promises.. i assume you aren’t talking about his campaign promises.. because even in his second election the St Paul newspaper endorsed him because they thought he might get around to some of his campaign promises and they liked the sound of those… even though he had yet to fulfill any.

but heck.. that’s the past. with any luck we will get an administration that values competence and some of our public safety institutions.. you know. those things we supposedly pay taxes for.. will be restored to their former level of competency.

That wouldn’t be Sarah.. since she thinks going to high school with her qualifies applicants for the top jobs in Alaska.

But.. let’s ignore that too.

Let’s talk about taxes. You keep making the assumption that electing a democrat equals higher taxes.

You have seen the tax plans. So where exactly are these raised taxes?

i see controversial tax cuts for the very wealthy that won’t be restored.. but not tax increases…

except in John McCain’s plan… where there will be tax increases for those making less than $250,000 in taxable income.

He has to pay for those increased tax cuts for the very wealthy somehow… and he has a bailout and a war to finance.

I’m betting that might hit your pocketbook. It sure will hit ours.