How are we going to nominate and vote? Should we create a nominations thread with the categories; people would have a certain amount of time to nominate threads for each category. Nominations would need to be linked so that people could refresh their memories (as hard as it may be to believe, I do NOT remember Chupacabra!). And if no one nominates for a particular category we will just skip that one (a LOT of categories have been mentioned).
Then to decide the winner:
1) The thread with most nominations per category would be declared the winner. Someone would just have to count up the nominations per category and announce the winner (but it wouldn’t be much of a surprise). … OR …
2) We vote by secret ballot online (Survey Monkey? BallotBin?), with winners announced at the party? Someone would have to create a ballot from the nominations (top 3-5 nominated) and post the link to vote and manage the survey.