I just sent my e-mail to Scott.
Was going to do it last night, but was so angry about this, that anything I sent him would have probably been heavily laden with F-Bombs, personal attacks, and insults.
If not for how cruel, inhumane, and unsanitary this is, Scott’s doing this, would merely be stupid, as has been mentioned above, the police are unable, by law, to back up Camp Security and Arbitration on evicting people, and/or dealing with in Camp illegal activity, as technically the Camp is not legally occupying the site.
Kevin, thanks for talking to Scott, and reporting back. But, I dunno. I don’t think I’d give the guy credit for anything.
He’s quite adept at dealing with such communications, and in being a spinmeister—much as the corporate, or political ones we see all the time, smoothing over any controversies they are a big part of.
I have no doubt, about the assertion above, that the Central Committee played a part in this as well. Possibly a big part.
But, the thing is, Scott can heavily influence the CC’s decisions—-to attain his desired result, by raising his voice, asking questions such as “Well, would you rather….”, and even stomping out of the room.
People on the Central Committee, most of whom are still Homeless, and reside at NV, or one of the SHARE Tent Cities or Shelters, may feel compelled to vote in Scott’s favor, for fear of being barred.
Thanks to all that have called/e-mailed Scott regarding this.