so, kootch, it kinda sounds like you want to roll back graham-leach-bliley. what gives? turning soft on me?
and DP is right: wall street is nothing but blind hucksterism. they’re not investing in anything anymore unless it benefits the board members of fortune 500 companies. we thought we had them well-heeled under FDR, but then along came shotgun ronnie and the deregulation posse.
remember the S&L scandals in the late ’80’s and the 1987 crash? average people lost their money, but did guys like neil bush go to jail? hell, no. did he get indicted? hell no. and to make matters worse, his dad got elected a year later.
and yet somehow 401k’s are better than pensions? for whom? certainly not wall street.
as a matter of fact, whose money do you think they blew in this latest crash? whose money were they using to buy all those junk bonds? why, only the biggest pools of the little guys’ money left on earth, of course: the public employee unions’ pension funds.
ye gods, man. why do you think those pension funds are broke?
but, kootch, man, don’t forget that this was all brught about by the reagan revolution. reagan – possibly the best barker wall street ever had.