Re: Sad Milestone: 4000 US Soldiers Dead in Battle in Iraq



I find it interesting that T* selected the name of a brainwashed young woman and misspelled it, so she wound up with the name of a psychotic ice skater who couldn’t stand to lose. I can’t tell you why I find it interesting…I just do.

The rest of you are doing a great job refuting the “arguments” and not drinking the kool aid so I’m going off to read NR’s link because I find much of her information interesting and provocative, even when I disagree.

I do find the timing of a new Repug poster interesting — NR was doing just fine, as far as I can tell. She is a bit too rational–maybe Luke couldn’t stand that….eh T?

I personally look forward to the Rossi “I was robbed so I’m entitled” versus Gregoire gubernator debates on this blog. :-)

“So long and thanks for all the ever-so-tasty fish”