dobro… pure fantasy… you aren’t reading the poll numbers. Our wack jobs are like your wack jobs…. and they are our respective bases..appease them we will. If we can peel off a segment or two so much the better… but it is the independents that are the swing votes… remember this president did NOT get a 50% popularity vote despite a horrific 4 years of Bush…. I had written off Republicans after 2008 as a dead species. Even before he had his coming out, at the height of optimism, he didn’t get a majority..now that we have had 3 years of Hopped Up Hope and Change…ya think he is more popular?!!! I see that at least one part of Hope and Change is alive… your Hope. The polls are not supporting your hope thing though. Thank god independents as a demographic group are the best educated. Slogans won’t cut it with them. They actually analyze more so than the devotees. Either party. Urban and contained… redblack.