Re: Rant – Cherry Consignments




their 60 days doesn’t begin until they “book” your items.. that is until they put them on the sales floor…


i liked that store too… my daughter still does and will probably shop there when she visits. Of course… she is a size 4… great selection for small women.


the woman who did the intake at Cherrys inspected all of my items for current styles before taking them and was delighted to get them. They were all current brand name items.. brands like J Jill, Coldwater Creek, Flax..etc. They were exactly what the owner I originally spoke with had asked for… fashionable clothing for the somewhat larger woman.

I am sure the owners are nice people. But they apparently didn’t agree on the type of merchandise they wanted to stock. The owner i spoke with before bringing my items in was enthusiastic about serving a larger market.. no pun intended.

The owner who ended up doing inventory control apparently wasn’t. I am guessing you have never run into size discrimination before… but it certainly exists. When brand new straight leg levi jeans with the tags attached don’t make the sales floor in a consignment shop… someone isn’t much interested in serving that market.

I liked this store. I made an effort to bring clothing to them in response to a request from one of the owners.

I was excited about the idea of any women’s clothing store in West Seattle that would serve the in between sizes.. too large to look good in outfits designed for small bodies and too small to fit in those designed for her body type.. but manufactured for plus sizes. I am very sorry that didn’t work out because the average sized woman is clearly underserved.

However, that was their decision to make. Had they communicated with me by email or any other means… including simply telling me when i inquired… that they did not want to stock the items i brought in.. i would have picked them up and you wouldn’t have heard about it.

The thing about consignment is that it is a trust relationship between you and the store. After this experience, i simply don’t trust them to keep up their end of the bargain.

I am really sorry things turned out this way… but after talking them up so much in my earlier rave and sending women who admired my clothing to them.. i felt i had to set the record straight.

In my experience, both as a consignee and as a shopper, Cherry’s isn’t a good consignment shop for women of a certain age and size.

If you fit their demographic.. they carry great inventory and everyone i have encountered behind the desk has been friendly and helpful.

If not.. in West Seattle…Funky Jane’s will probably better fit your needs… and i can’t wait to check out Take2.