Re: Miss America



HUH!!!! This administration had printed more rules and regulations to take out the northern temperate forests… thousands upon thousands of them… reams of them. Wait… you lambs will rue this administration… we spend a trillion more that we make… that’s borrowed money. A little short… print. In every single case in our history, no exceptions, … a period of inflation follows… It is a lag indicator.. but it comes. The Johnson war on poverty and Viet Nam spending came home to roost … right on Jimmy Carter. Nixon tried wage and price controls.. which deferred the monster … but it was just bigger and meaner when it arrived. The perfect storm.. hyper inflation and a contracting economy… stagflation. we have a window of grace… sorta. The Euro is so screwed up we can sell Treasuries at 1.8% yield… what will you do when treasuries return to 5.6.7 %? JaN and JoB… we won’t protect the weakest.. we will protect the host animal… keeping it alive. You are like the cowboy who wants all the water in the desert…. the horse… ya gotta water the horse too.. it’s the one that covers the most ground in a day.