Re: iphone or blackberry?



Thank you Christopherboffoli. I had read (on my IPhone) some of the comments about the IPhone being unpractical. When in all actuality it is not. I didn’t recommend the IPhone over the blackberry b/c it was cooler or b/c I wanted to play games on it. I recommended it b/c it is a more practical user friendly phone which works great with Outlook. And on a side note, my mom’s phone was in a plastic case and got chewed up by our neighbors dog (she had dropped it while getting the mail in the snow) despite the glass being cracked & the back all chewed up the phone still worked!!! And costs: AT &T Iphone plan was equal to my blackberry plan thruogh TMobile for the same service. It is very important when comparing plans that you remember to compare Apples to Apples not Apples to Oranges. You get alot with IPhone plan. Best of luck to those out there making the decision