Re: I secretly like my minivan – do you?



JoB –

I felt the same about the fuel consumption, too. However, I think with all the carpooling and ride sharing I am able to do with other parents, that my actual impact is down.

Before this I drove a Land Rover (and YES, it was because we needed the off-road abilities) so anything seems economical in comparison!

But I love that I can take a bunch of kids and all the junk that goes with them and still have room for groceries or more junk. It’s also really good for long road trips with kids. I can split them up or put them together, I can get up and attend to them while we are driving (not safely or legally but sometimes need takes over!) and there is room for all the things they “need” in the car.

I am so glad to hear that I am not the only closet minivan enthusiast!!