Re: Gov't, waste, and fraud, and waste, etc.etc.



Well… so far is sure hasn’t done its job now has it? My point, over and over again… and again. The only thing government understands is “take away the money”…. THEN and only then do they respond. Where was GAO when WFA sucked 20% of the value of Medicare? Where was GAO when a 900 square foot corner grocery in NYC redeemed over 12 MILLION in food stamps? We spend so much money we can’t keep track of it…. the word profligate comes to mind. I say make them bounty hunters…you can work for GAO for say…. 50K a year… but… when and if you bust the well connected UW nuerosurgeons who scammed Medicaire with false billing and fraudulent claims..and got no time in the slammer….the 34 million dollar fine… ? 5% of it is yours as a “commission”.. crap..can you imagine the reform that would blossom? All those accountants who would be out of jobs with a flat tax… cut loose to hunt down WFA? Why look for WFA…? there is no incentive to do so. GAO replaced by Department of Commissioned Fraud Fighters… I would be back in college for two years for forensic accounting in a heartbeat..and with the target rich environment … shucks I could retire in a year…keep your SS… just one crack at almost any major hospital would set me up for a grand old beach home in St. Tropaz….