Re: Go Barack




if obama’s campaign says they didn’t do it..

it must not be true:)

but if Clinton’s campaign says they didn’t do it.

they’re lieing…

something tells me there is a problem with this kind of analysis..

and chances are that the biggest problem is believing political propaganda from either campaign in the first place…

as for the good news from the Edwards interview…

yes, it’s obvious that he thinks Obama would be a credible candidate.

it’s also obvious that he thinks clinton has a right to her candidacy

and that we ought to wait until all of the primaries have ended before calling a winner on this one.

There was no endorsement..

and there isn’t going to be one from John Edwards until there is a nominee…

Did you notice he included positive comments about John McCain in his interview?

He has something he wants from the eventual nominee and from the eventual president and he is not going to ruin his chances of getting that over this race.

it’s all political posturing … no matter how much you want to believe that this politician and this race is any different… it just isn’t so..

and becomes less so every day he gets closer to the nomination.

Believe me.. there will be a ton of negotiation before any nomination…

my guess is that you wouldn’t like any of the deals he has made to get his superdelegate endorsements if you knew about them..

and you will like the one’s he makes to secure the nomination even less.

But.. that’s politics for you.