“If you want to deny that connection, you get to but that just means you don’t want to recognize it. Otherwise, feel free to argue that abortion is not taking life.”
The two issues you are conflating are not related and no matter how many different directions you head off in and how many hypothetical situations you cook up, they aren’t going to be.
One of the fundamental issues with abortion is when life begins. I don’t know the answer to that. Neither do you. Neither do all the religous folks who think they do. I do, however, know for a fact that the woman carrying the fetus is alive, sentient, and should have the right to control her body and whatever is sharing space with it. So I consider myself to be pro-choice.
The fact that I deny the connection between this and the death penalty does not mean “I just don’t want to recognize it.” It means I think you’re arguing from a false premise and working very hard to find some way to find an angle that makes your argument work out but I’m afraid that it’s not gonna get there.
So, on CP I’m against it totally for reasons I’ve expressed earlier. On abortion I am pro-choice and believe women should have control of their bodies. On the issue of justifying arbitrary decisions with “logic”, I know that our system of law and justice requires some of that, but I think the CP issue is unique and a completely unneccessary part of the system. Gotta run for now.