Woo Hoo! Everyone is pissed off and I didn’t even stir the pot.
Comment to everyone that hates Alki Cafe:
Keep it to yourself. This is one persons letter and experience. They apparently are in a very emotional state and not necessarily thinking rationally, rather emotionally. It sounds like they really did have a bad experience, but my question to them is “Why did you stay?” If someone did that to me I would simply turn my back and walk out and inform him that he just lost over $400 in revenue for the day and inform him that I am posting on the WSB and writing a letter to the Herald. I would have walked into another restaurant, spoke to the manager and informed them of what occurred at Alki Cafe. Any smart manager would welcome you with open arms. I would also inform the manager that i would write a letter to WSB and the Herald commending them for seating you without notice.
Comment to the owners to Alki Cafe:
Your customers are your life. How you treat each and every customer dictates whether you will stay in business. As a restaurant owner you have an obligation to EVERY customer whether they are an individual or a group of 14. I’m sure you can appreciate how much damage you can do if you piss off 1 person!