West Seattle Event Calendar

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West Seattle off-leash area info @ Farmers Market
Feb 23 @ 10:00 am – 2:00 pm

Seattle Parks and Recreation (SPR) invites community to participate in the development of two new off-leash areas (OLAs) at West Seattle Stadium and Othello Playground. Please join us for one of the community engagement events: either on February 20 or 23 to learn more about the development of new off-leash areas.

On Feb. 20 the Othello Playground OLA Open House at Othello UW Commons, 4200 S. Othello St., Suite 117 in Studio A/B from 4 to 7 p.m.
On Feb 23 the West Seattle Stadium OLA Open House at the West Seattle Farmer’s Market from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Come find our booth at the Farmer’s Market.
SPR’s project team and design consultant will be available to answer questions, present concept design options, and gather valuable community feedback. The feedback collected will help shape the final design of these new OLAs.

The West Seattle Stadium OLA will transform the current unpaved overflow parking lot into a dedicated off-leash area, and the Othello Playground OLA will be located in the southwest corner of the park. Both sites will include fencing, seating for pet owners, and an environmentally friendly stormwater bioretention area with thoughtful plantings.

The Seattle Park District Cycle 2 provides funding for the construction of two new OLAs and the design of a 3rd. As mandated by the funding, one of these OLAs will be constructed in West Seattle and the other OLA can be constructed in any other neighborhood of the city. The third site (funded for design only) may be anywhere in the city, though construction funds will need to be secured first. Seattle Park District Cycle 2 provides funding for these projects along with funding to ensure Seattle’s nearly 500 parks, playfields, and community centers remain welcoming places for recreation, learning, and healthy communities.