Community Prevention & Wellness Initiative Coalition Meeting

October 18, 2016 @ 4:00 pm – 6:00 pm
High Point Neighborhood House
6400 Sylvan Way SW
Seattle, WA 98126

Please Join us for South West Seattle’s Community Prevention & Wellness Initiative Coalition Meeting

October 18th, 4:00-6:00 pm
High Point Neighborhood House

This is an open community event so please feel free to invite individuals/organizations whom are passionate about preventing youth substance abuse and making a difference in the South West neighborhood!

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King County has received funding to establish a new community coalition centered around Chief Sealth High School and Denny Middle School to prevent youth substance abuse.

This coalition will bring together people representing different community sectors to gather data and assess community needs and resources. The coalition will create a strategic plan that outlines their vision for how this funding should be used in a way that aligns with the Community Prevention and Wellness Initiative (CPWI) model, but is specific and targeted to their community. Once the plan is accepted, the coalition will determine the appropriate prevention strategies for their community and ensure that these strategies are effectively implemented.

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