4320 SW Hill
West Seattle
BALANCE DUE – The Price the Duwamish Paid for Seattle’s Development
LEARN WITH US the history of West Seattle’s colonization and its impact on the land, water, and the people
Sundays, October 29, November 5, & 12
Part 1: The Land and the People of Native West Seattle
October 29th, with guest Ken Workman, Duwamish Tribe
Part 2: U.S. Government’s Plan to Take & Colonize the West
November 5th, guest TBD
Part 3: Impact of Colonization on Duwamish Lands and Peoples
November 12th, guest TBD
Event hosted and thoroughly researched by Admiral Church UCCBackground: Admiral Church is planning a 3-part community education series on the history of Manifest Destiny and its impact on the original land and people of West Seattle over the next three weeks. All are welcome and invited to learn along with Admiral Church the honest history of white settlement of Seattle.
This is a direct action toward living out our weekly land acknowledgement. A committed group has been thoroughly researching the history of our property, especially focusing on the time between the Treaty of Point Elliott in 1855 and the first purchase by what was then West Seattle Congregational Church in 1900.