A brag, and an expression of gratitude

With about an hour and a half left in July, this has become WSB’s first month with six-digit “traffic,” as they say in internetland. 101,099 “page views” for July; double what we notched as recently as February; 12 times July ’06. Without marketing or gimmicks — people are just discovering WSB online, or hearing about it from friends/relatives/co-workers. By “people,” we mean YOU, so we want to thank you not just for coming by to look at what we’re posting about, but especially for e-mailing us with rants, raves, questions, photos, tips, whatever you are seeing/hearing in, and about, WS. That’s what makes this so much more than we imagined possible when we launched it on a lark, yet it’s barely a shell of what it can become … with your continued help. Thank you, thank you, thank you, 100(thousand) times thank you!

16 Replies to "A brag, and an expression of gratitude"

  • The House July 31, 2007 (11:21 pm)

    This is one of the only websites besides major news organizations that I check at least 3-5 times daily. I’ve been a fan almost since launch and I don’t know how many folks I’ve turned on to your site. As always, thank you for the time you spend on the site and giving us a fourmn to voice opinions about our little piece of the world!

  • Erik July 31, 2007 (11:26 pm)

    Congratulations WSB!

  • Todd August 1, 2007 (12:47 am)

    Keep up the good work. I enjoy the scoop you provide.

  • miws August 1, 2007 (7:04 am)

    Yes! Congrats and thanks for all you do!


  • RobertSeattle August 1, 2007 (7:22 am)

    Best Local Blog in the World!!!

  • mrsB August 1, 2007 (8:20 am)

    WSB is the best way to find out what’s going on locally – almost as soon as it happens! Now we don’t have to scour the rest of the Internet to find out our local news! We appreciate your hard work and energy – long may it continue (and continue to grow).

  • Marci August 1, 2007 (9:15 am)

    I love the blog…and tell everyone in and out of West Seattle to read it! Thanks so much WSB…you are an intregal part of West Seattle’s hum as a community!

  • Marci August 1, 2007 (9:15 am)

    I love the blog…and tell everyone in and out of West Seattle to read it! Thanks so much WSB…you are an intregal part of West Seattle’s hum as a community!

  • KB August 1, 2007 (9:23 am)

    With that much traffic, you should consider adding google ads to your blog and make a little income. I know I check your blog at least once per day and with as much work as you put into it I’d be more than happy to click on an ad or two every time I visit to kick back a little $ your way.

    Thanks for all your work!

  • ML August 1, 2007 (10:51 am)

    I even keep reading WSB, even though I live in a condo ;-)

  • Jiggers August 1, 2007 (11:38 am)

    how do earn a living from this site. or work a regular jof full time to make ends meet?

  • DS August 1, 2007 (12:51 pm)

    Congrats WSB –

    It’s amazing to have timely and accurate info re: the who, what and where’s of WS. Thanks for all you do and doing it so very well.

    Still sending WS peeps your way…


  • The Velvet Bulldog August 1, 2007 (1:07 pm)

    You do a great job of reporting–I often wonder that there aren’t more than two of you. Just so you know, I very nearly drive off the road when I go by a couple walking along–I’m checking to see if they’re taking notes! The success of this blog is at least in part due to your genuine interest in, and passion for, our little (but rapidly growing) burg. I check the posts at least once a day to stay connected. Thanks so much for your contribution to our community!

  • Jenny August 1, 2007 (2:15 pm)

    With that much traffic, you should consider adding google ads to your blog and make a little income. I know I check your blog at least once per day and with as much work as you put into it I’d be more than happy to click on an ad or two every time I visit to kick back a little $ your way.

    Yeah, or at least put up a PayPal donation button.

  • deb August 1, 2007 (6:44 pm)

    I attended a focus group of 12 random Seattlites. Turned out that 5 of them were in W Sea, and when asked the question “Favorite website”, most all mentioned WSB.

  • Jim August 2, 2007 (10:43 am)

    I love the blog just as it is! No ads, no clutter. Just the news and other local tidbits. I vote to keep it just as it is – and thanks again for all your great work!

Sorry, comment time is over.