This week: Cheapest gas in WS

Last week we tracked the 35th/Holden Chevron, which to our knowledge still has the highest posted price for regular gas in WS (holding at $3.39 as of an hour ago). cali71143007.jpgSome folks wrote us asking for help in finding the cheapest gas. As of our unscientific drivearound survey last night and this morning, the Cali/Andover Exxon and Cali/Charlestown 7-11 (left) appear to be tied for that honor, at $3.17/gal for regular. (Both are in the repaving zone, so getting there requires patience.) As of last night, the Arco near Home Depot on Delridge wasn’t too far above that, at $3.19. Let us know if you’ve seen cheaper!

22 Replies to "This week: Cheapest gas in WS"

  • Chet April 30, 2007 (11:03 am)

    leave me some, dangit

  • Agen April 30, 2007 (12:09 pm)

    The Arco near Home Despot is typically one of the cheapest in our area and was my regular stop before switching to a biodiesel-powered car. Not to play up the petrol schadenfreude, but currently the biodiesel at SeaPort Biofuels (see map) is $3.03.

  • s April 30, 2007 (12:45 pm)

    that arco takes cash only. i get 5% back on gas purchases from my credit card, so it’s cheaper for me to go to a more expensive place.

  • Chet April 30, 2007 (1:27 pm)

    Do those arco’s s till only take debit then charge a debit fee? BS!

  • eric April 30, 2007 (2:12 pm)

    re: biodiesel…

    What kind of mileage do you get with biodiesel? Is it the same as standard diesel?

    Not that it matter to me, as I drive a gas car. Just wonderin’

  • Chet April 30, 2007 (2:27 pm)

    Maybe I am thinking of am/pm? Is that arco too? Hmm Can’t keep my cheapassgas places straight :)

  • flipjack April 30, 2007 (3:36 pm)

    And remember: Looking for an easy way to protest Bush foreign policy week after week? And an easy way to help alleviate global poverty? Buy your gasoline at Citgo stations. cont.

  • Jiggers April 30, 2007 (9:13 pm)

    That’s about the same amount people pay for a cupcake at Verite and they’re complaining how expensivr gas prices are.

  • The House April 30, 2007 (9:27 pm)

    Flipjack, tell me you’re kidding….you can’t be serious. If you really feel that way, relieve the growth in WS and move to SA. Read this instead…

  • GenHillOne May 1, 2007 (6:39 am)

    Politics aside, the Calif/Andover Exxon mini-mart is owned by a really nice couple that work a good portion of the hours there themselves. They’ve done work on the inside to clean it up too. They have my business for gas – and the quick carton of milk whenever needed. Used to be a similar story at the neighboring 7-11, but it’s been recently sold and an influx of tacky stock has hit the shelves…just feels a little scuzzy.

  • Chet May 1, 2007 (7:49 am)

    Yeah, GenHillOne. I noticed the change with 7-11 too. I usually buy my gas at the Exxon. See ya around.

  • flipjack May 1, 2007 (9:28 am)

    Yeah The House. I happen to think the Venezuelan dictator makes more sense, is more human, and intelligent than the United States dictator.
    Killing people in order to make things cheap and convenient for Americans doesn’t sit well with me.
    Isn’t it amazing The House that other people think differently than you, kinda scary isn’t it?
    Read this to expand your own little convenient world:

  • Sean May 1, 2007 (10:38 am)

    I am not going to the ARCO until they start accepting debit cards outside and that too free of charge. What century are they living in!

  • Cruiser May 1, 2007 (11:13 am)


    Words like nose,face,cut,and spite come to mind:)

  • Antoine May 1, 2007 (1:02 pm)

    A fascinating topic. From the highest to the cheapest price, we’re talking ~20 cents. Let’s see what this really means:

    You save ~$3 filling up 15 gallons.

    You may have taken up to 20-30 minutes of your valuable time driving out of the way, and no doubt waiting longer at a station with lower gas prices. Depending on your salary, that’s most likely a loss of more than $3.

    You put an extra 2-5 miles on your car, which is 2-5 more miles of wear and tear — real costs that few factor in when owning a car. Estimates range from 0.10 to 0.50 per mile to operate your vehicle in maintenance expenses.

    All and all, this whole business of finding gas 5-20 cents cheaper makes no sense to me. Does it to you guys?

  • Chet May 1, 2007 (2:31 pm)

    Doesn’t make sense to me either Antoine. I remember when the media weighed in the last time gas prices spiked and they said it doesn’t really pay to drive out of your way to find cheaper gas.

  • WSB May 1, 2007 (3:27 pm)

    regardless of whether it makes sense, it’s interesting info (if you choose to read it) because (a) you may happen to be in the neighborhood of a gas station you have heard is cheaper, and can decide to patronize it while you’re in the vicinity (we wouldn’t recommend going out of your way for it either, but for example, while we’re at Costco sometime later this week, we will probably fill up since we’re going there anyway and gas is about 20 cents cheaper a gallon), and (b) it’s interesting to watch how prices rise, whether you feel they have “rhyme or reason,” or not. Last week’s 21-cent jump at the 35th/Holden station, for example … now, it’s held steady for several days. At least gas stations post prices so you can decide! Imagine if espresso shops (where the average $3 tall latte plays out to $30/gallon) did the same, right out front.

  • Chet May 1, 2007 (3:51 pm)

    Yeah, I didn’t mean any offense WSB. Definitely is newsworthy and helpful as is the blog in general.

  • Jiggers May 1, 2007 (6:43 pm)

    The next time you go out and buy a loaded Frappaccino at Starbucks, don’t complain the next time you fill up/

  • Antoine May 1, 2007 (10:03 pm)

    Naturally – no offense is intended. Merely an observation & rant on how any American audience becomes captivated over oil prices.

    Rarely are we so captivated by prices of another necessity in our life – coffee. Nor do we get upset when Starbucks posts record profits. (random point, but Shell & Starbucks make the same operating margin of 7% profit)

    Both Starbucks & Shell do equally damaging deeds to the countries they exploit. Which one receives the worst press? Which one do we think are gouging us?

    When Coffee Shops announces price increases we rarely see it on the news, but when our gas prices go up we instantly want to nuke OPEC.

    The things we let slide so that Oil Companies can keep prices low, and yet the things we let slide so Starbucks can continue to charge exhorbant amounts. Which is the greater evil?

    Rants & observations.. the point of an open forum.

  • The House May 2, 2007 (10:21 am)

    Flipjack, you sound pretty angry with the way you write and with most angry people they make simple mistakes…First, you might disagree with George Bush’s Foregin Policy, but he is your president not a dictator. Second, your statement that he (George Bush) kills people to make things cheap and convienient clearly shows that you have no grasp on the situation in Iraq or the United States (Combatants are killing our troops and nothing appears to be cheaper since the war began). If you make accusations, at least back them up with relevant facts.

    In regards to the Coffee vs Oil topic, I don’t agree that you can equate the two. Purchasing coffee is a luxury. While purchasing fuel could also be agrued that it’s a luxury as well, I believe that the general consensus would be that purchasing fuel is a necessity. Not to mention that the cost of fuel could have an adverse effect on coffee prices (due to transportation) and not vice versa.

  • Bill May 2, 2007 (4:20 pm)

    The House: I agree to a point re: petro-fuel as a necessity. What’s debatable is what constitutes “necessity”. The rising cost of gas may narrow what’s considered necessary. Simple human nature, really. If there’s more of it and cheap to boot, we tend to use more of it. When there’s less of it and more costly we consider what exactly it’s used for. That 5 min drive to the corner market in the 16 mi/gal guzzler? Maybe it’s time to ride a bike or walk. FWIW, I do believe we invaded Iraq to secure oil reserves AND place our military in a strategically more favorable position in the M.E. Problem(s) is, the PNAC cowboys have messed the entire endeavour up. None of us have seen anything to gain for the costs and efforts put forth by our government and military. I do hope I am wrong in the long run, but it’s not looking good.

Sorry, comment time is over.