WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: 2 unexpected thefts

Two reader reports today, both thefts in unexpected circumstances, both sent by people named Sarah:

STOLEN WHILE LOADING: Thefts of items left in vehicles for hours aren’t surprising. Sarah H did not expect this theft to happen during the process of loading up for an outing:

This morning as we were about to leave for a backpacking trip, both our backpacks full of camping gear were stolen from in front of our house between 7:06 and 7:08 am as we were loading our car near PCC. It happened so fast that we believe it was a vehicle driving by, as we essentially had our backs turned. The backpacks are teal green (Osprey) and a gray/black (Gregory). If you happen to have any sightings or camera footage, please let us know. Most of our backpacking gear was from our wedding registry and we are heartbroken!

(added) Police report # is 24-275862.

(added) Sarah H’s stove was found by commenter Tom. They’ve connected. One more detail: They believe the thieves were in a “beige or silver 4-door sedan.”

STOLEN WHILE CHARGING: We’ve heard of public-charger cord thefts, but not so much the type of theft Sarah D is reporting:

Yesterday I went outside and found that someone had stolen my electric plug to my car. It was plugged into my electric car and a box on the street. I live on 40th Ave SW. Only reporting because other people leave their plugs in their cars overnight and wanted people to be aware.

10 Replies to "WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: 2 unexpected thefts"

  • Tom September 28, 2024 (2:13 pm)

    I found a primus stove discarded in the alley behind my house.  Does this belong to Sarah H?

    • WSB September 28, 2024 (2:24 pm)

      I’m flagging her about this comment. Thank you.

      • WSB September 28, 2024 (2:30 pm)

        Sarah says yes, that was one of the items stolen. Can you email us your contact info (I can give you hers via email as well)? westseattleblog@gmail.com

      • Sarah H September 28, 2024 (2:30 pm)

        Yes! That’s definitely our stove. Not the most common brand. Would love to connect and search your area more!-Sarah H

  • Another Sarah September 28, 2024 (4:19 pm)

    Not to be pedantic, but what thefts aren’t “unexpected”? If they were expected they’d be easier to prevent :-D

    The backpacking one *is* pretty shocking. Would love more information on the charging cable one, which has me a little confused… 40th & which cross street? How did the thief detach the cable from the car? What “box on the street”? 

    • WSB September 28, 2024 (4:53 pm)

      OK, suggestions of better verbiage always welcome. Perhaps “unexpected theft technique/tactic”? Or “startling”? “Surprising”? Although you remind me of an argument I had once with someone I was supervising in TV news (now 17+ years ago), about the phrase “brutal murder” … I argued that all murders were “brutal” and they disagreed.

      Meantime, for anyone wondering, I believe Tom and Sarah H have made contact.

      • Another Sarah September 28, 2024 (6:16 pm)

        LOL yes, murders are pretty inherently brutal. I’d call the backpack theft “brazen.” 

    • Thomas September 29, 2024 (6:03 pm)

      So irritating! Little boy in the neighborhood was so upset when he heard about the theft .He wanted his parents to take him to all the neighbors houses and let them know what happened. There is hope!

      • Sarah H September 30, 2024 (12:17 pm)

        That’s really sweet.

  • Steph September 29, 2024 (7:53 am)

    Thanks for the reminder to always be vigilant. I just hate having to “watch my stuff” every second! Locking the car after every trip unloading groceries, locking the newer front gate every time, of course always locking the house doors even if you’re in the yard. What a pain! Just yesterday I had to work hard with an 8 inch rake because someone stole my regular one. I priced a new one but at $75 with tax I worked with the 8″ one until I find a garage store replacement. Sorry for your losses. Especially the loss of trust.

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