Thanks for the photos! More tree trouble in today’s wind. Above, SJ sent that photo showing a downed tree along 59th SW on the west side of Alki Playfield … while the one below, from Jeepney, shows a tree that has split and is blocking a stretch of sidewalk at 35th/Holden:
And Manuel just sent this photo from North Delridge:
“One sizable tree is blocking the trail at Longfellow Creek/Dragonfly just north of the fishbones bridge,” he explains. “The winds also left a few other little trees fallen and a bunch of branches on the ground.” The National Weather Service wind alert we mentioned earlier remains in effect until 11 am tomorrow, with gusts up to 40 mph possible. If you encounter weather-related trouble (or any other breaking news), we’re reachable 24/7 at (text or voice) 206-293-6302 – after you’ve reported it to authorities, of course (for trees or other road/sidewalk-blocking problems, SDOT’s after-hours number is 206-386-1218).
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