1 month until West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day! 2 more weeks to register

April 11, 2024 2:25 pm
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 |   Community Garage Sale Day | West Seattle news

Saturday, May 11, is this year’s West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day – coordinated by WSB – so we are exactly one month away! Another date to note if you are planning on having a sale – registration, which opened last week, will continue for two more weeks, until April 25. Almost 200 sales are already registered – in every West Seattle neighborhood, offering an amazing array of items … and sales pitches, like “Come say hi to our cute dog,” “We are fun to hang out with,” “Two storage units worth of stuff,” “Everything is $1,” and most curiosity-piquing, “Ephemera, flotsam, forgotten dreams.” The listings are all in the printable guide as well as attached to their respective spots on the map, and that will be ready one week in advance of WSCGSD (which runs 9 am-3 pm May 11, though some choose to start early and/or end later). Ready to register your sale? Go here!

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