WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Two home burglaries, this morning and last night (updated)

We don’t know if these two burglaries late last night and early this morning less than a mile apart are related; the second one resulted in an arrest. Here’s what we know so far:

BURGLARY THIS MORNING: This happened before 7 am near 48th/Charlestown, and we heard about it via a texted tip when a sizable police and medical response resulted.

At the scene, police told us it was an attempted burglary, and that the medical response was intensified when the suspect, believed to be under the influence of drugs, became combative. Listening to recorded dispatch/officer exchanges, 911 got a call for help, and police arrived to find a resident had “pinned down” the suspected burglar, who was quickly taken into custody. The initial medical dispatch was described as being for minor injuries in the scuffle; then it was beefed up with more units about 15 minutes later when the suspect, described as a man about 30 years old, exhibited “acute behavior disturbance.” We were told at the scene that he would be taken to the hospital.

BURGLARY LAST NIGHT: Dennis sent this report early today:

I’m sad to report that our home was broken into (Saturday night) between the hours of 9-11 pm. We were out but our two dogs were home. Whoever did this did not hurt our dogs, but they did enough to frighten them. We live in the neighborhood between Frater and 56th, to the west of Schmitz Park. They entered our home on the side of the house without cameras, so they must have known or seen the location of our cameras and bypassed them. Unfortunately, they stole personal belongings, rifled through our drawers and belongings, stole work laptops, and just created chaos in our home. Police were called and a report was filed.

ADDED SUNDAY NIGHT: Report # is 24-66348. We also asked Dennis about items to watch for:

We’ll be following up tomorrow to see if the two might be related, given the time frame and relative proximity.

22 Replies to "WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Two home burglaries, this morning and last night (updated)"

  • Larry March 10, 2024 (11:43 am)

    We have video of a man casing our house last night up at 57 th and Charleston around 8:39-9pm.  Our motion cameras scared him away.  He was wearing orange boots, mask, gloves and hood/hat.

  • WSLUV March 10, 2024 (12:12 pm)

    Hopefully, in future posts, WSB can bring back map links to where these incidents occur.  As a non-native, 48th/Charleston doesn’t give me enough info to use Google Maps.  Definitely not a complaint, just a small request to make it easier and faster to know where these incidents occur.

    • WSB March 10, 2024 (12:35 pm)

      Hi, I tend to be conflicted on map links for crime stories if they’re not of happening-now value such as streets closed etc., but that aside, yes, Google will show you intersections, just add the SW. (48th SW & SW Charlestown – once you’ve typed a few characters of the second street name, it’ll auto-fill)

      • Another_reader March 10, 2024 (8:03 pm)

        @WSB  I’m another reader who would find it immensely helpful to find a google map of the location. It is easy to screenshot it into the story and makes it easier for people to quickly understand the location.  

    • Meryl March 10, 2024 (4:12 pm)

      If you type 48th and Charleston into a browser, it will show you exactly where it is. It’s north of Genesee. Hope that helps. 

      • WSLUV March 10, 2024 (8:25 pm)

        @Meryl…Not to keep this going unnecessarily, but I’m an avid Google maps user for locations around the country and when I typed it in as written it gave only one possibility in W VA. In a browser, it only returns locations in AZ. Appreciate the help but tested a bit before I commented. @WSB, appreciate the response and the note to just try SW and I’m guessing to always try “Ave SW” as well vs St, Pl, etc. Good note and thanks!

  • Dog Whisperer March 10, 2024 (3:11 pm)

    Hopefully the homeowners are uninjured. Its a frightening experience to know someone has been in your home. Hard to imagine actually discovering someone in your home. 

  • KC March 10, 2024 (5:06 pm)

    I used to live right there. Sold my house 10 years ago not to long after 4 men were looking in our window while we were home one morning. My 6 year old son at the time saw them and came and got me. They were about to break in – had tools etc to pry open our front door. Fortunately our man-eating chihuahua made enough noise to give them second thoughts – that and they likely saw my son. That area near the big Charlestown Hill has quite the storied past. I have a number of stories living on that hill. My heart goes out to the homeowners that have experienced this. It just sucks and is so violating. WSB continues to do a great service calling this stuff out while balancing privacy.

    • Odd son March 10, 2024 (5:55 pm)

      I would love to hear your stories. Guessing others would be interested too. 

      • Kates March 10, 2024 (6:42 pm)

        I would LOVE to hear your stories, KC!

        • Cooper March 11, 2024 (10:08 am)

          I too would very much like to hear some stories KC. And why does the area have a storied past? Is it because of the apartments? Or the ghost of the abandoned grocery store that was there in the 80’s?

          • Bill March 11, 2024 (11:49 pm)

            Definitely the apt house –!!!   The grocery store was Zorich Bros Thriftway – which included an in store bakery — was there from the 1950’s maybe earlier! and the Thriftway profits went to sponsor Seattle’s real sport — hydroplanes!

          • Hg March 14, 2024 (10:35 pm)

            Neighbor here. Share some Charlestown hill history KC! I do believe I know what you mean when you say the apartment house. I think.? 

    • BJ March 14, 2024 (8:28 pm)

      I I grew up just down the road from that area off Charlestown, one house down from that big old house @ 3029 49th Ave with the wrap-around porch, where that whole James Cushing-axe-murderer-break-in event happened (’90 maybe?). Left an axe at the scene. Wrote stuff on the wall, I think. Actually that house in general just really freaked some of the neighborhood kids out.

  • Tara Wilson March 10, 2024 (8:33 pm)

    Hi there,I am so sorry this happened to you and your family. I am curious to know, were your dogs loose or in a crate?thank you,Tara 

  • QQ March 11, 2024 (5:07 pm)

    Does anyone know how to actually view police reports on the Seattle Police site?  There doesn’t seem to be an actual link…

    • WSB March 11, 2024 (5:13 pm)

      The report narratives haven’t been available online in years.

  • WSDUDEMAN March 12, 2024 (7:03 am)

    WSB, any update on the perpetrator? Prior arrests or convictions?Terrifying experience for our neighbors. Too many crimes around here the past two years. Stay vigilant.

  • Concerned March 12, 2024 (9:22 pm)

    In this case there were two capable adults that were able to fight with this attacker. I have many elderly neighbors and many of them are single women that live alone. These people wouldn’t have a chance!this guy needs to be locked up for a long time! Extremely potentially dangerous individual! Keep him off our streets

    • WSB March 12, 2024 (10:22 pm)

      I’m still waiting for the probable-cause docs but the jail docket shows bail was set at $50,000 today and he is still in jail, pending the charging deadline, which will be either tomorrow or Thursday.

Sorry, comment time is over.