WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Indecent exposure in Admiral

Residents near 47th/Admiral report “a man with his pants down masturbating and yelling at kids walking by” around 7:45 this morning. He was reported to still be hanging around outside nearby residences this past hour; police were dispatched again, but we haven’t yet heard back from them, so we’re reporting this as a general alert, now that it’s afternoon. We don’t have a detailed description but a distant visual shows the man in bulky clothing including a brown puffy jacket. The original SPD incident number is 24-081992.

14 Replies to "WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Indecent exposure in Admiral"

  • Al King March 26, 2024 (1:33 pm)

    Driving by about this time on Admiral saw a man near here that clearly was “not all there” If this is the same person then clearly mental health issues involved. Doesn’t excuse, but explains.

  • Whisky Woods March 26, 2024 (2:10 pm)

    Wasn’t last night a full moon…?

    • Steve March 26, 2024 (8:44 pm)

      Every night is a full moon these days.

  • Shanti March 26, 2024 (2:18 pm)

    Did he have a large dog with him?

    • Orb March 26, 2024 (10:56 pm)

      Hopefully police can find him, or if he hangs around that area people can report him again. I would think if children were present that would be a charge for child sexual assault in addition to public indecency/exposure

  • Jerry March 26, 2024 (10:50 pm)

    I guarantee I know who this was. I called 911 on him a few weeks ago. He was just yelling at the kids a few weeks ago, and continuing to walk down the hill. We have to get this guy off this guy off the street. It’s escalating. I bet it’s the very dirty homeless guy, with facial hair, and always wears the mask around his chin. 

    • Ilana March 29, 2024 (2:44 am)

      I know that guy! He smashed several car windows across the street from our house on Alki a couple of weeks ago. 

  • 937 March 27, 2024 (9:19 am)

    There used to be a time where problems like this were just – “taken care of”.

    Evil wins when good people do nothing. BE the change you want.

    • Neighbor March 27, 2024 (4:46 pm)

      I’m not sure I follow.  Are you calling for violence against this man?  What are the scare quotes meant to suggest?

      • Dog Whisperer March 28, 2024 (10:27 am)

        Sometimes violence is the only response when women and children are threatened. Their safety is the primary consideration in a society and whatever steps are needed should be applied. Stop worrying so much about the criminals and work your way back to thinking about the victims. And yes, if the criminal pulls this stunt on the wrong children their dad will undoubtedly fix the problem. After all, according to Maslow’s hierarchy of needs it is his primary responsibility on the planet.

      • 937 March 28, 2024 (12:24 pm)

        You appear to be following just fine.

    • Bill March 27, 2024 (7:16 pm)

      Yeah, this guy doesn’t seem so evil to me. He is just struggling with his mental health. 

      • 937 March 27, 2024 (8:44 pm)

        Exposing oneself to children and masturbating in their general direction – while yelling at them = NOT evil??

        What planet are we on??

  • KA March 29, 2024 (11:47 am)

    It is our responsibility as adults to hold a safe container for our kids to grow up in. I’ve come across this guy too. He should not be mingling with the public until he gets well. 

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