South Seattle College and partners transforming past Hat ‘n’ Boots site into future forest

(WSB photo)

Forest-restoration work parties are typically in or near the woods. Not this one on Saturday. Volunteers came to a wide-open site on the South Seattle College Georgetown campus – one with a memorable history – to plant the future Georgetown Community Forest.

SSC (a WSB sponsor) is partnering with the non-profit SUGi Urban Forestry Project, the Duwamish Tribe, the Duwamish River Community Coalition, and volunteers from the college and community to transform what was once the Hat ‘n’ Boots gas station (see and read about it here) into the Georgetown Community Forest. The college explains that this is meant “to heal the land and the people living on it” – by improving air quality and soil health, as well as giving people “a calm space where they can immerse themselves in nature.” On Saturday, Ken Workman of the Duwamish Tribe planted the first of more than 1,300 plants installed by about 150 volunteers:

(SSC photo)

Among others who spoke at the ceremony launching the planting event were SSC’s acting president Sayumi Irey and Georgetown campus executive dean Laura Kingston:

(WSB photo)

40 different species of trees, shrubs, and groundcover – all native to this area – comprised the 1,300+ plants, planned with the Miyawaki Method, which focuses on what would grow back in the area if humans left it alone.

(SSC photo)

Other community volunteering events will be held there to help care for the site as it begins its return to foresthood. Read more about the plan here.

8 Replies to "South Seattle College and partners transforming past Hat 'n' Boots site into future forest"

  • Hats & Boots February 12, 2024 (1:22 am)

    Forests are wonderful & Miyawaki was a genius. … but what about the hat & boot?  Are they going to MOHAI or have they been cancelled too?

    • WSB February 12, 2024 (1:37 am)

      They were moved to Oxbow Park (not far from the original site) 20+ years ago.

    • Eddie February 12, 2024 (7:41 am)

      Twenty Plus Years Ago.It’s now a wonderful neighborhood park and thriving P-Patch

    • Lauren February 12, 2024 (10:07 am)

      “Canceled” 😝😝

      • Also John February 12, 2024 (12:47 pm)

        I thought the same thing.   What an interesting and telling choice of word.

  • More green please February 12, 2024 (8:35 am)

    Any attempt at rewilding even the smallest plots is a good thing, including bringing a few evergreens back to the emerald city.

  • GROWTH February 12, 2024 (11:34 am)

    This is really great news! Seems like a very effective and well considered approach and effort from  knowledgeable people with resources to back it up. The previous Georgetown food forest attempt was a frustrating disaster and scammy esp with mismanaged funds from grants and fundraisers lead by people who knew very little about land management. I’m relieved to see this land being restored with a viable plan that will be comprised largely of natives. A breath of fresher air for the area!

  • 937 February 13, 2024 (3:26 pm)

    Now, STOP dredging and straightening dxʷdəwʔabš,. Reconnect the Black River and allow the Duwamish to return to it’s ancestral route to the sea!

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