CRIME WATCH: Bullet hits White Center café customer’s boot

Thanks for the tip – we went over to Patrick’s Café and Bakery at 15th/100th in White Center after a report of gunfire at the intersection.

Speaking to us and other media at the scene, proprietor Patrick Choy said he and others in the cafe heard the gunfire around 10:40 am but didn’t see it – he speculates it was someone in a vehicle shooting at someone in another vehicle.

Some of the bullets hit his building – no injuries but a very close call for a woman in the café, whose boot was hit by a bullet. Patrick said deputies found shell casings in the street, too. We checked with the King County Sheriff’s Office, which tells us they have no description information so far: “The suspects are unknown at this time.” Meantime, Patrick’s remains open for business as usual.

26 Replies to "CRIME WATCH: Bullet hits White Center café customer's boot"

  • SEADOG February 26, 2024 (2:25 pm)

    Glad to hear nobody was seriously injured. Patrick makes the best Hawaiian cinnamon rolls and musubi in the city and his place is a favorite of mine. He makes every customer feel like ohana!

  • TM February 26, 2024 (3:18 pm)

    I came to the comments to learn more about the incident, but now am planning to come eat there! I have driven by a bunch of times but didn’t realize you had Hawaiian food, the menu looks awesome. 

    • Kt February 26, 2024 (3:44 pm)

      His pies are the bomb too

    • k February 26, 2024 (4:44 pm)

      He has the best biscuits and gravy in White Center!

    • Kim February 26, 2024 (5:45 pm)

      It’s only open 3 days a week 

  • Marcus February 26, 2024 (5:02 pm)

    Wow! A bullet actually entered a place of business and hit a person, in the boot.  But it is okay because no one was hurt and the food is great.  My-oh-my, bullets flying all over West Seattle and everyone is use to it and complacent.  No wonder we have so much crime!!!

    • Anne February 26, 2024 (5:25 pm)

      What’s your solution? 

      • Al King February 26, 2024 (6:36 pm)

        Anne. Probably the same as yours.

      • Marcus February 26, 2024 (7:24 pm)

        Well, for starters create an environment where police are fully staffed for 24/7 patrols rather than just response.  Pull over autos with infractions and when something looks suspicious investigate further.  That ought to send the crims to another town, god knows they most likely won’t enroll in a trade school.  And when we can, send the crims to jail let them sit for a few years.  I guess we can wait until a bullet connects and then can have this exchange of ideas again.

        • Derp February 26, 2024 (8:43 pm)

          Two things,  this is in White Center, not West Seattle. Don’t you think the city/county are trying hard to find officers ? Seattle doesn’t have a traffic division to pull over cars for infractions. Great ideas, but we don’t have the resources to do this. And who knows how long that will take. 

        • ewest8 February 26, 2024 (9:12 pm)

          Well said Marcus.It’s most disturbing that public shootings in broad daylight has been normalized, but it’s also disturbing to see people being so glib about it. Thank goodness no one was seriously hurt, but it could just as easily resulted in an innocent bystander dead or paralyzed for the rest of their life. But yeah, let’s talk about the cinnamon rolls. Depressing.

        • Seattlite February 26, 2024 (9:21 pm)

          A great common sense, reality-based comment, Marcus.

        • Jort February 26, 2024 (9:27 pm)

          The “crims?” Huh?????????? 

          • Oh Seattle February 27, 2024 (6:01 am)

            I believe he is using a shortened form of the word “criminal”, which is how I’d think most people would describe someone who shoots into a restaurant with people in it, as this is an illegal act.  (This is also an example of how comments can be made without numerous extraneous punctuation marks or special formatting, thus making the comment appear less histrionic.)

        • Willie February 26, 2024 (9:46 pm)

          Go buy some cake Marcus. The sky isn’t falling. 

        • Felix Grounds February 28, 2024 (10:49 am)

          Marcus, how dare people express their adoration for this small business without also expressing (self) righteous indignation qbout this incident….oh the hunanity.25 eyeroll emojis at your comment.

      • powderfinger February 27, 2024 (1:04 pm)

        If we want to stop being the laughing stock of the developed world, the solution is obvious.

        Repeal the 2nd Amendment and replace it with strict gun controls leading to total ban.
        Offer generous buybacks of all 
        Require high taxes and registration for ammunition purchases.  
        Ban high power military and armor piercing ammunition.Ban sidearms.
        Ban the purchase and sale of all firearms. 
        Impose strict enforcement with mandatory  jail time for offenders. 

    • Lucy February 26, 2024 (6:56 pm)

      Just because some people aren’t running around with their hair on fire doesn’t mean they don’t care.  It means that, despite the chaos around us, some people want to look beyond it and find something to be happy about.  I will also now make a trip to White Center to try some pie and show my support for a small business. 

    • KW February 27, 2024 (9:15 am)

      Not sure I am understanding completely. Would you suggest people stop going to this cafe?I adore Patrick’s and support them as often as I can.  This was a TERRIFYING incident, but I think people are feeling a bit powerless as to what to do to stop things like this.  I don’t think anyone was downplaying it at all.  

    • Kyle February 27, 2024 (5:33 pm)

      Marcus, literally nobody thinks it’s a-okay there was a shooting and I’m amazed you think that doesn’t go without saying. I live blocks from here and I obviously hate seeing this kind of thing. I also feel that being performatively angry about crime in a comments section is about as helpful as pissing into the wind. You know what is helpful? Lifting up small businesses affected by crime, especially ones that make an excellent guava cake. 

  • DD February 26, 2024 (5:45 pm)

    I didn’t know about this bakery/restaurant  until reading the blog coverage of the sad shooting incident. So glad no one was injured. The menu looks fantastic and I will definitely come by and  check it out.  Hopefully during peaceful times….

    • Marina February 26, 2024 (6:35 pm)

      Same! They had me at ‘cinnamon roll’. 

    • PatrickFan February 26, 2024 (9:41 pm)

      Patrick’s is the best and Patrick is a beautiful person. Highly recommend all of his food and baked goods. Aloha spirit is alive and thriving at Patrick’s. 

  • Andee February 26, 2024 (10:58 pm)

    Agree, Patrick’s Cafe is the BEST. So sorry to hear about what happened: I was just there today getting my favorite cinnamon roll and coffee and didn’t know this had happened until I read the Blog. Don’t let that deter you from checking out Patrick’s as not only is the food and baked goods delicious but it’s such a warm, friendly place, and I love to support local businesses!

  • Angela February 27, 2024 (12:41 pm)

    The loco moco and kimchee fried rice are the best.  I love the musubi too!  Oh, and the pineapple scones….  I could keep going and going, this place is the best.

  • K February 27, 2024 (6:23 pm)

    They do catering, which is great because 50 lumpia is definitely better than 1.

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