COUNTDOWN: Two weeks until West Seattle recycling/shredding event

Need motivation for pre-spring cleaning? We are now two weeks from the annual recycling/shredding event presented by the West Seattle Junction Association and Chamber of Commerce – 9 am until noon on Saturday, March 9, in the north lot at South Seattle College (6000 16th SW; WSB sponsor). From the official flyer, here’s what you can bring:

No charge, but some limits – primarily four boxes of shreddable paper – and there’s a list of what will NOT be accepted in our calendar listing.

4 Replies to "COUNTDOWN: Two weeks until West Seattle recycling/shredding event"

  • X February 25, 2024 (12:02 pm)

    How small is a small appliance? I have a microwave I’d love to recycle but it was under cabinet mounted and is pretty bulky. Are there dimensions l can look for? 

    • Susan February 25, 2024 (1:44 pm)

      If they won’t take your microwave you can take it to West Seattle Recycling.  I brought one there several years ago and they took it.

  • Josh February 25, 2024 (3:07 pm)

    Does anyone know if they shred paper on site?(Worried about leaving boxes of personal papers, etc); or somewhere in WS that can shred 2-3 boxes of old tax papers etc? 

    • BAS February 26, 2024 (1:26 pm)

      I used to go to Staples. 99 cents a pound. Haven’t found a WS place since they closed. So, I go to Office depot in SODO. Same price. Can sometimes find a coupon for 5 lbs free. 

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