WEST SEATTLE SCHOOLS: 5 notes for families thinking of a change

Five notes for school-shopping season:

TILDEN SCHOOL OPEN HOUSE: Independent K-5 Tilden School (4105 California SW; WSB sponsor) is hosting its next open house this Saturday, 10 am-noon. Head of School Dr. Jorge Olaf Nelson and Tilden staff and families will be there to answer questions and talk about the school’s programs.

BRIDGE COOPERATIVE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL OPEN HOUSE: Also ready to welcome prospective families 10 am-noon this Saturday is The Bridge School (10300 28th SW; WSB sponsor) – “Families will learn about our whole-child, hands-on approach to learning that includes multi-age small classes, an outdoor education program, and an emphasis on the arts.”

WEST SEATTLE PRESCHOOL FAIR: Next Monday night, it’s the return of this event bringing together representatives from more than a dozen local preschools. The Preschool Fair is set for 5:30-7 pm Monday, January 8th, in the Menashe Gym at Hope Lutheran North (4100 SW Genesee). Hope Lutheran and Westside School (WSB sponsor) are coordinating it and are two of the participants.

NEW PRESCHOOL: The Torah Learning Center of West Seattle has announced that it’s starting a Jewish Forest Preschool in the Alki area this summer, for ages 2-5. It’ll be a “nature-based preschool” featuring “exploratory play and learning.” They’re accepting inquiries at jewishalkibeach@gmail.com.

PUBLIC-SCHOOL OPEN HOUSES/TOURS: We’re starting to get announcements from individual West Seattle schools and are adding them to the WSB West Seattle Event Calendar as we get them. We’ve heard so far from Highland Park Elementary (dates here) and Lafayette Elementary (info here). The district website also is building a list here.

School-related info always welcome – westseattleblog@gmail.com – thanks!

6 Replies to "WEST SEATTLE SCHOOLS: 5 notes for families thinking of a change"

  • Ant January 4, 2024 (9:14 pm)

    These all sound like great options. To add some real world experience I cannot say enough good things about Westside. Our kiddo loves their PS.

    • KW January 5, 2024 (9:36 am)

      Such a beautiful school.  My son did a week of summer camp there in the summer and loved it.  Considering applying, but not sure how hard it might be to get in or if there is a long waitlist.  Seems like a dream school!

  • T January 4, 2024 (9:23 pm)

       Beautiful people for  Beautiful Fish.   THANK YOU ALL!!

  • Sarah January 5, 2024 (6:04 am)

    Pro tip: Remember to check if they are licensed by the WA Department of Children, Youth, and Families. If they aren’t, ask why.


  • Adam January 5, 2024 (7:51 am)

    The Bridge School also has openings in their amazing theater program that meets Fridays from 8:30-noon and their Outdoor Education program that meets at Seahurst Park on Mondays from 8:30-3pm.  These are open to anyone in grades K-5, including homeschooled kids.  Call the school or come to the open house this weekend for more information.  :)

  • Dr. Jorge Olaf Nelson, Head of School January 5, 2024 (10:57 am)

    Tilden School is excited to host prospective parents tomorrow from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00.Feel free to sign up online at https://www.tildenschool.org/Or just stop by and see for yourself:4105 California Ave SWSeattle, WA 98116(206) 938-4628Go Owls!Jorge

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