VIDEO: Alki Beach New Year’s Day Polar Bear Swim 2024, brief and brisk

There’s no simple way to count the number of people who join in the Alki Beach New Year’s Day Polar Bear Swim – but this year just might have been the biggest yet by one measure: As we arrived in the area by car about 25 minutes before the 10 am start, parking was bumper-to-bumper further out than we’ve seen it before. And even after the official “swim,” some were still showing up belatedly and plunging in on their own. Above, our view from the center of the lineup, including the countdown; below, our view from the east edge:

Some lingered in the water for a photo op:

It was also a way to close out the holiday season:

We saw dinosaurs:


And politicians:

(That’s former U.S. Attorney and current State Attorney General candidate Nick Brown with 34th District State Senator Joe Nguyễn, both West Seattleites.) Organizer Mark Ufkes counted down the crowd by bullhorn and then joined them in the water:

His invitation to write down what you’re letting go for 2023 and your hopes for 2024 had some takers:

After all, today’s the day to retake the wheel and be the captain of your destiny:

Final note – this year’s air temperature was 41 degrees, 10 degrees below the water temperature.

2 Replies to "VIDEO: Alki Beach New Year's Day Polar Bear Swim 2024, brief and brisk"

  • SeaVieu January 1, 2024 (1:22 pm)

    This was wonderful fun and a great way to begin the new year! I’m so appreciative of the positive energy and community feeling. Happy New Year, West Seattle!

  • MW January 2, 2024 (6:32 am)

    Brave souls! Captain Dad is my favorite one lol! Happy New Year WSB!

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