SOUND TRANSIT: Former SDOT executive Goran Sparrman proposed as interim CEO

Four weeks after Sound Transit‘s CEO Julie Timm announced her plan to leave, ST has announced a prospective interim CEO. Goran Sparrman served as acting Seattle Department of Transportation director under two mayors last decade, the second time for about half a year in 2018. At that time he was described as having “come out of retirement” but apparently he didn’t go back into it, as the Sound Transit announcement says he’s most recently worked as an executive at infrastructure firm HNTB (which the city hired in 2020 to design a potential West Seattle Bridge replacement). He’s also a former director of Bellevue’s city Transportation Department. The announcement also notes he’s a licensed professional engineer. The Sound Transit Board will consider appointing Sparrman to be acting CEO for a year at a special meeting this Thursday (January 11th). The year ahead will be pivotal for West Seattle’s planned light-rail extension, as the ST board is expected to decide later this year on the routing and station locations. We’re following up on ST regarding the time of Thursday’s meeting as well as what salary they’re proposing for the interim CEO.

ADDED TUESDAY: The meeting is set for 3 pm Thursday – here’s the agenda.

2 Replies to "SOUND TRANSIT: Former SDOT executive Goran Sparrman proposed as interim CEO"

  • Lightrail now January 8, 2024 (4:16 pm)

    Let’s hope they can speed up the Seattle Process re: West Seattle link

  • DC January 8, 2024 (9:26 pm)

    WSB: My questions is what, if any, financial ties Sparrman maintains with HNTB and whether the position would require him to forgo any future relations with HNTB. Seems like real possibility or at least perception of handing out sweetheart deals to a former employer…

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