Here’s what we’ve found out about two vehicle incidents of note

We checked on these two incidents after getting reader photos/questions:

MAIL TRUCK IN DITCH: This happened on SW 106th near the city-limit line this afternoon; as the photo shows, King County Sheriff’s Office deputies responded. KCSO tells us the mail carrier got stuck in the ditch but was unhurt; USPS sent its own tow truck to pull it out.

DRIVER ARRESTED: That was the scene at 47th/Graham around 11 pm last night; the neighbor who sent the photo says, “This guy started hitting cars on Raymond and 46th, then came flying down 47th Ave SW, lost control, then kept flooring it trying to get away.” SPD took the driver into custody; we asked today about what happened next, and a department spokesperson replied, “The 46-year-old male driver was arrested for DUI and will receive the applicable traffic citations as well. After the investigation, he was released from the precinct.”

9 Replies to "Here's what we've found out about two vehicle incidents of note"

  • GM January 18, 2024 (8:05 pm)

    This guy tore past our house dragging a chunk of someone’s car (or his own) and one of the cars on our street was mangled this morning.I’m glad they caught him.

    • Adam January 18, 2024 (10:23 pm)

      Yeah, and sadly released him.

  • EJ January 18, 2024 (9:33 pm)

    There’s a mail carrier that drives like a maniac in Arbor Heights (not obeying stop signs, speeding, etc). I’ve called the local office to report it but clearly he was either never talked to or did not feel the need to change his behavior because the erratic driving continues. I wonder if this was the same one. 

  • Good Job Moron January 18, 2024 (10:59 pm)

    What a waste of a very nice truck.

    • YT January 19, 2024 (7:42 am)

      This guy isn’t alone. The Dodge Ram pretty consistently ranks number one when in comes to racking up the most DUIs.

  • WestSeattleBadTakes January 18, 2024 (11:17 pm)

    It’s great that anyone can buy a massive truck like this.

    • JAT January 19, 2024 (8:14 am)

      That’s a great video – there’s a similar one at CityNerd – totally agree.  What happened to the little useful pickup trucks (with a full length bed as opposed to a truncated ceremonial I-might-have-to-haul-something-at-any-moment-don’t-question-my-manliness appendage) of 20 years ago?

      • Dr Wu January 19, 2024 (11:13 am)

        A  little useful pick up truck cannot tow my 22’ towable trailer and neither will a Prius. 

  • Rick January 19, 2024 (1:37 pm)

    Dodge RAM. Dude took it literally. You know, RAM?

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