WEST SEATTLE WILDLIFE: One deer, two coyotes

No photos so far of either of these, but the reports came in via email:

LINCOLN PARK DEER: Lauren reports, “Spotted a young buck on the beach trail this morning in Lincoln Park. Also spotted a seal, bald eagle, and the barkiest dog in the whole wide world.” Lauren says she was not able to catch the deer on camera before he “hopped away.” The deer was first noted in this comment thread following yesterday’s humpback-whale sighting. (As one commenter notes, we’ve had scattered sightings in the past, including “Westley,” who spent a few weeks wandering the peninsula in 2016.)

TWO COYOTES: Sent by Nicole:

Our neighbor alerted us that she saw two coyotes at the end of her driveway at 11:00 pm when she let her small dog out. We live at the end of 32nd Ave SW, adjacent to Camp Long (32nd and Juneau).

The state’s advice on coexisting with coyotes includes NOT providing them with convenient food sources, from unaccompanied pets to unsecured garbage.

6 Replies to "WEST SEATTLE WILDLIFE: One deer, two coyotes"

  • RayWest October 19, 2023 (12:13 pm)

    Whales, coyotes, and deer, oh my! And also, seals, foxes, otters, raccoons, possums, rabbits, eagles  . . . West Seattle gets wilder and wilder! No bears or cougars yet, but they have been spotted in Seattle. I love living in a city and being surrounded by wildlife.

    • 1994 October 19, 2023 (9:36 pm)

      There was a cougar sighting in West Seattle that was ‘confirmed’ multiple times! Search up cougar sighting in the blog’s little search window on the top right for the January 2022 posting & comments.  But then……https://www.columbian.com/news/2022/jan/24/unconfirmed-seattle-cougar-sighting-is-no-reason-for-alarm-experts-say/As of January 14, Washington Dept. of Fish and Wildlife says the sighting is unconfirmed. On January 17, Dr. Brian Kertson, a Fish and Wildlife carnivore research scientist, said the animal in the video is “not a cougar. Pretty certain about this one.”

  • Josh October 19, 2023 (1:49 pm)

    Based on all the cats one encounters out and about after nightfall it seems the local coyotes will be doing quite well for years to come.  A veritable smorgasbord of delights for them to feast on.  Maybe the folks who are so passionate about a robust local bird population especially around Lincoln Park can get on board with capturing the hundreds if not thousands of cats on the peninsula as a complement to halting any planned changes to lincoln park that might affect biodiversity?  A multi faceted approach is surely warranted. /s

    • Garfield October 19, 2023 (3:05 pm)

      Oh bla di oh bla da…

    • Sign me up October 19, 2023 (5:16 pm)

      Oooh, let’s get a signing-drive to start a voters initiative to form a committee to make suggestions, and re-vote on it for 5 elections…

  • Max October 20, 2023 (6:37 pm)

    Wow! A young buck in Lincoln Park! Maybe he was just looking for a game of Pickleball?  Oh wait, I forgot,  the young ones don’t play Pickleball. 

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