WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Police search in Westwood

For those wondering about the police presence in Westwood – they were looking for a suspect described as wanted in connection with cases including a stolen car and stolen gun. He has been described by dispatch and officers as a Black man in his mid-30s, medium build, no shirt, black shorts, a black hat, white and blue shoes. Officers blocked off the trails north of the shopping center for a while but they’re reopening them now. If you’ve seen anyone matching that description, call 911.

6 Replies to "WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Police search in Westwood"

  • Buncake May 19, 2023 (7:52 am)

    That whole area needs cameras there are schools and shoppers around and the community constantly feels unsafe. This neighborhood needs improvement. Their are hard drug dealers everywhere and thieves with weapons

    • HoneyBun May 19, 2023 (10:58 am)

      I am a couple of blocks away and heard a loud vehicle slowly go past my house while up during the wee predawn hours. About 45 minutes later I heard it again, but maybe a block over or down the block at the cross streets. All I could think about were these groups working in packs pilfering anything that isn’t nailed down and how that maybe it was my block that was being picked over at this very moment. I even went out front and listened to see if I could hear anything, then left my window slightly open so I could listen and report if I heard anything unusual. Thankfully it was quiet as far as heard afterwards. It’s a really crappy feeling that’s new to me after being here near three decades now. 

    • CSL May 19, 2023 (11:05 am)

      You are absolutely correct.

  • Denali Williams May 19, 2023 (11:14 am)

    I happened to see the suspect jumping over my fence near SW Thistle/Delridge at 3pm. The neighbor’s dog chased him back over into my yard where he saw me watching and asked to use my phone (nope!). He then proceeded east on Thistle. A police cruiser happened to drive by shortly after and I waved him down…….

  • KB May 19, 2023 (5:12 pm)

     Was he caught?  Who is it? Were the police looking for him because they saw him or does he live in the neighborhood? How do we get more info or follow up? 

    • WSB May 19, 2023 (5:51 pm)

      Not that I know of, and I don’t have a name.

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