Want to lead the West Seattle Art Walk into a new era? (update: position filled)

The West Seattle Art Walk has long been a volunteer-run monthly event under the wing of the West Seattle Junction Association. In recent years, though, it’s grown beyond The Junction – and it’s time for the organization to reflect that. So a plan has emerged to find leadership for the Art Walk who can in turn transform it into its own nonprofit org. The WSJA is getting the ball rolling by looking for someone to start as a 5-hour-a-week volunteer and grow the gig from there. Here’s the context, from WSJA:

The year-round West Seattle Art Walk provides a framework for businesses to work directly with artists to plan and host exhibits, giving the community a chance to engage with businesses and artists.

The WSAW is currently volunteer-powered, under the wing of the non-profit West Seattle Junction Association. We have four volunteer team leads (marketing, website, social, content); two neighborhood coordinators; a flexible corps of event photographers, and an Arts Council that meets once per quarter. It will be the job of the (Future) Executive Director to oversee this amazing, self-sufficient group of volunteers.

WSAW has grown past its humble roots in the Alaska Junction with only nine merchants. Today it’s a vibrant monthly event in all three Junctions, with 30–35 businesses hosting art shows, and 15–20 bars and restaurants offering specials every Art Walk night. WSAW strengthens the economic health of our businesses and brings our community together to celebrate the arts.

Our goal is to transition WSAW into its own non-profit organization so that it can continue to grow peninsula-wide. The (Future) Executive Director will guide the formation of this non-profit, as well as ensure its ongoing financial health by seeking governmental and arts funding and/or leading community fundraising for operating expenses. Initial assistance for this transition will be offered by the West Seattle Junction Association. It is our intention that the (Future) Executive Director will become the Executive Director of the new non-profit, and will draw a part-time salary.

See the full job listing, including qualifications and how to apply, here.

P.S. History trivia – the first West Seattle Art Walk was in 2006!

JUNE 16 UPDATE: The position’s been filled.

4 Replies to "Want to lead the West Seattle Art Walk into a new era? (update: position filled)"

  • Jay May 30, 2023 (4:26 pm)

    The Art Walk is great! But I’d love to see this turn into something bigger, like a street festival similar to or as an extension of the Farmer’s Market. Our Farmer’s Market always feels a little bland compared to others I’ve been to because there are no artists! There should be paintings, photos, sculptures, crafts, prints, tshirts, etc.

    • justme May 30, 2023 (8:13 pm)

      Yes! Making it like the Ballard Sunday Market would be fabulous!

  • itsthetruth May 30, 2023 (6:06 pm)

    I love the Art Walk but this sounds problematic in undervaluing both the time needed to run a nonprofit (5 hours/week for the duties listed is very low) and in starting it as a volunteer position (how many times have nonprofit workers been asked to volunteer or take salaries far below the corporate sector because they’re supposed to “do it for the mission?”) I would hope that any interested candidates would ask for a clear plan for increasing hours and pay immediately. And that we as a society commit to paying nonprofit workers what they’re worth.

    • WS Res May 30, 2023 (9:17 pm)

      Well said.

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