We’ve reported before on Bettie Williams-Watson, the West Seattleite who runs Multi-Communities, which works toward goals of “ending domestic and gender-based violence against Black girls and women while centering collective healing for our whole community.” She has just been honored with a Lifetime Achievement Award, in the annual Purple Ribbon Awards. These are national awards presented by an organization that catalogs domestic-violence shelters and programs across the U.S. According to Multi-Communities’ annual report (read it here), Williams-Watson’s organization assisted more than 2,000 people last year. This is work that she’s been doing for more than 35 years now; she tells WSB, “I still haven’t quite figured out the meaning of ‘Retirement’ and ‘Taking Time Off,’ but I am getting there. I feel so blessed in my ‘rocking chair years’ to still be able to keep busy helping to serve others, and to have such a fantastic board and other community supporters, who are the main community ingredients in making a positive impact on those we are privileged to serve.”
West Seattle, Washington
15 Saturday