UPDATE: Brown water in Alki area

FRIDAY MORNING: Jean reports brown water in the 3000 block of Alki Ave SW. If you’ve noticed it too, be sure to call Seattle Public Utilities at 206-386-1800 – sometimes the cause can be as simple as SFD hydrant testing in the area, but sometimes it’s first word of a major problem nearby.

FRIDAY AFTERNOON: We also got a similar report from Jenn in the Alki area. And both say it hadn’t cleared up even hours later.

5 Replies to "UPDATE: Brown water in Alki area"

  • Simonetta Leveque April 21, 2023 (6:39 pm)

    Has anyone had issues with brown water in Arbor Heights? We are noticing it and want to see if it is a problem with our pipes or something more

    • J April 22, 2023 (7:47 am)

      For a couple of days due to fire hydrant work. They said it is excess iron causing the brown color and is not unsafe to use

      • WSB April 22, 2023 (9:40 am)

        Basically the discoloration is rust. It will stain clothes, however.

  • Polly April 21, 2023 (8:39 pm)

    It’s in west Seattle too! 

  • Lauryn Jost April 22, 2023 (7:14 am)

    We had brown water yesterday in Alki. Called utilities number and they had someone reach out. It was a clean out that should clear up in a few hours. She said to not use water for at least an hour to let the debris settle then run cold water for at least a full minute. Repeat until clear. Ours cleared up in a few hours. 

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