ELECTION 2023: Online-voting time for a position that’s not on your ballot

By now, you’ve likely received your ballot for the February 14th special election deciding the fate of Seattle Initiative 135. It’s also time to vote on something that’s NOT on that ballot: A position on the King Conservation District Board of Supervisors. This is a countywide (except for five small cities) position, but two of the three candidates are from West Seattle. This voting is happening online for the fourth year, so the only reminder you’ve received is a postcard that probably arrived last week. Here’s what it’s all about:

The KCD Board of Supervisors oversees a roughly $8 million dollar budget paid by residents of King County through rates and charges.

KCD is a special purpose district committed to helping people engage in stewardship and conservation of natural resources, serving over two million people in 34 cities and unincorporated King County (excluding the cities of Enumclaw, Federal Way, Milton, Pacific, and Skykomish that are not member jurisdictions). KCD assists private residents with forestry management, streamside and shoreline enhancement, farm conservation planning, and other environmental efforts. It works with cities and community organizations to support community gardens, urban forest canopy, and local food systems. KCD is funded primarily by a per-parcel rates and charges fee paid by residents of the district.

An all-volunteer, five-member Board of Supervisors is responsible for overseeing KCD operations, budget, and setting policy. Voters elect three supervisors and the Washington State Conservation Commission appoints two supervisors. Supervisors serve three-year terms.

The candidates are April Brown, Csenka Favorini-Csorba, and incumbent Chris L. Porter. Favorini-Csorba and Porter both live in West Seattle. Go here to find information about the candidates (including the video recording of a forum. held last week) plus a link for voting, as well as how to contact King CD if you need a paper ballot instead. Deadline to vote is 8 pm February 14th,

7 Replies to "ELECTION 2023: Online-voting time for a position that's not on your ballot"

  • Seattlite January 30, 2023 (4:05 pm)

    Interesting.   I mailed in my ballot today for Seattle Initiative 135.  I never received a “Reminder postcard” this year or previous years regarding the KCD Board of Supervisors.I would never vote on-line due to security issues.  How does KC know that the vote cast is authentic?  How does KC monitor on-line election interference?  How is a recount accomplished with on-line voting?  How does KC ensure that a vote is anonymous?   

  • Mike January 30, 2023 (5:08 pm)

    Is that even legal?  I know many elderly won’t vote online, seems pretty bias.

    • WSB January 30, 2023 (5:52 pm)

      As noted in the story, you can request a paper ballot. If interested, you can also follow the same link to extensive info about how this agency is working on “election reform.”

      • Mike January 30, 2023 (10:28 pm)

        So, people who struggle with the Internet, just go to the Internet and look for the information on how to email over the Internet or find the phone number to call, on the Internet, to get assistance getting a paper ballot.  I’m sorry, I don’t see how that not biased.

  • Suzanne January 31, 2023 (12:59 am)

    This election absolutely should be moved to a ballot and the general election but until that happens, everyone who cares about our natural resources in King County — please vote.

    I voted last week as soon as I got their reminder postcard. Voting online was straightforward and on a secure website.

    I’ll add that last year I didn’t get their postcard even though I’ve voted in this election for 15+ years (got one this year because I called their office [ 425-282-1900 ] last year and asked to be on their mailing list). It’s really unfortunate that it’s not part of our regular ballots, but it’s all we’ve got right now. The important thing is that folks who care about this actually vote by the Feb. 14 deadline. 

  • KayK January 31, 2023 (8:28 am)

    I think I read that one issue is the cost to put the election on the regular ballet eating up so much of the funds the agency has – 

  • Todd Curtis February 1, 2023 (10:27 am)

    When I heard about the King Conservation District election, I expected to see it on the latest ballot. I was surprised and a little upset that it wasn’t. While the link on the KCD site was helpful, I thought that I might be able to help by making a how-to video (at https://bit.ly/kcd_election) about the KCD online voting process. The video is less than 90 seconds, and it directs the viewer right to the KCD online voting page.

Sorry, comment time is over.