(Friday’s sunset, photographed by James Bratsanos)
Good morning. Here’s what’s happening as the weekend begins:
TRAFFIC ALERTS: Two for today:
–Repaving work on SW 106th between 39th and 42nd, all weekend
-If you’re going to/from Terminal 102 on the south end of Harbor Island, you’ll be detoured because of preparation work for next Saturday’s hoisting of the second West Seattle Bridge platform
FREE WEEKLY WRITERS’ GROUP: New participants welcome. 10:30 am – go here to register and to get the meeting address. More details are in our calendar listing.
WINE TIME: Viscon Cellars‘ (5910 California SW; WSB sponsor) tasting room is open 1-6 pm.
HIGH-SCHOOL BASKETBALL: 3 pm home game for Seattle Lutheran HS vs. Fellowship Christian School. Fans welcome in SLHS gym (4100 SW Genesee), masks required.
(Friday night photo by Carolyn Newman)
AUTHOR READING: 7 pm at C & P Coffee (5612 California SW; WSB sponsor):
Renée Thorne, a writer based in Switzerland, will read from her new book, “Eurydice, Alive.” This hybrid work is an emotionally complex portrayal of loss and resurrection as it explores the stories of Rainer Maria Rilke, Paula Modersohn-Becker and the myth that mirrored their lives. (Parents are advised that the book deals with some difficult themes which might not be suitable for children.)
WEST SEATTLE DRAG SHOW: At the Admiral Pub (2306 California SW) with Dolly Madison, 9 pm.
Are we missing anything? Email westseattleblog@gmail.com – thank you!
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