FOLLOWUP: Lowman Beach Park crews dig in

Thanks to Mike Munson for the photo from Lowman Beach Park, where crews are in their third week of what’s expected to be an eight-month project, removing the failing seawall and the adjacent tennis court, and restoring a more natural shoreline, as was done on the south end of the beach years ago, We asked project manager Janice Liang about this work, and she explained that it’s related to another component of the project, daylighting the end of Pelly Creek: “The Contractor is currently installing new storm drain structures (as seen in the photo) to connect to the existing 18″ Pelly Creek storm drain on the uphill side. The pipe will be daylighted at a pipe outfall midway of the site, with exposed stream beds connecting down to the beach.” For a view of what the finished project is supposed to look like, you can find design documents here.

5 Replies to "FOLLOWUP: Lowman Beach Park crews dig in"

  • D-Mom October 1, 2021 (6:43 pm)

    I’ve been worried about the beautiful trees there that they fenced off. I haven’t had a chance to stop by yet, but I’m really hoping that the fences they put around them are meant to protect the trees and they won’t be tearing them down. That would just break my heart. I will miss walking in their leaves this fall. 

    • WSB October 1, 2021 (6:46 pm)

      The trees are staying.

  • Kszobota October 1, 2021 (9:29 pm)

    I’m no arborist, but I wonder  just how much root damage this trench has done to these trees that will show up in the years to come .   I hold hope that this was done with some forethought.

  • Flo B October 2, 2021 (6:23 am)

    kszebota. You could hire a certified arborist to investigate if you have concerns.

  • Jim Van October 2, 2021 (7:48 am)

    It’s a wonderful  park . One of my favorite parks in Seattle. 

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