West Seattle, Washington
13 Thursday
(WSB photo: Kitsap at Fauntleroy dock while investigation continued)
Thanks for the tips. A longer-than-usual wait for outgoing and incoming ferry passengers at Fauntleroy this hour wasn’t because of the sailing cancellations reported earlier – it was because of an investigation. We’ve just talked to spokespersons for both Washington State Ferries and Washington State Patrol, which has jurisdiction on ferries, since they are part of the state highway system. WSP says that on board M/V Kitsap, as it sailed to Fauntleroy, a man in his 50s “was asked to put on a mask (but) refused and became aggressive toward ferry personnel. The subject had been drinking as well. There was a concern based on the aggressive behavior that an assault could take place.” So the boat was held while WSP was called. Troopers determined no assault had taken place, and that the man was a passenger in a car, not a driver, so there was no DUI concern; eventually he was given a trespass writeup requiring him to stay off WSF property for 60 days. The Kitsap has since unloaded that sailing and loaded a new one that arrived at Vashon about 10 minutes ago.
A “brand-new magical place” is how Westside School (WSB sponsor) head of school Steve de Beer described the preschool expansion just opened south of the Arbor Heights campus. A ribbon-cutting ceremony this morning celebrated the completion of the two-classroom building, which, like the heart of the school’s main building, is a converted church sanctuary.
The connected classrooms welcomed a full complement of 28 students Friday. We took a sneak-peek tour two days earlier.
Everything is kid-size:
As we reported in April, as remodeling of the former New Apostolic Church got under way, the expansion is enabling Westside School to double the size of its preschool and pre-K programs. In all, the school now has nearly 400 students, preschool through 8th grade. The community of families present and past is so supportive, it yielded key participants in the project, including STS Construction Services (WSB sponsor), whose Craig Haveson was there this morning (below left, with Westside’s director of advancement Nicole Caden and de Beer):
The design firm, SKL Architects, also is from the school community (and designed the main campus, too). This morning’s ceremony was an opportunity for Westside to acknowledge and thank the project participants and donors, to talk about the school’s future, and also honor its almost-40-year history. A key figure for many of those years, who served in many roles at Westside, Claudia Ross-Weston, was at the ceremony:
Past board president Lisa Hadley cut the ribbon:
Then it was time for tours. The preschool-expansion building is opening almost exactly three years, de Beer said, after the former church approached the school to see if it might be interested in leasing the property.
Write essays, win prizes! West Seattle’s VFW Post 2713 invites students to enter – here’s the announcement:
The Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) Post 2713 in West Seattle announces this year’s VFW essay contests:
Voice of Democracy: Students in grades 9-12 must write and record an essay on “America: Where do we go from here?” The state first-place winner receives a four-day trip to Washington, D.C., and the chance to be the first-place national winner receive a $30,000 college scholarship. Local Post 2713 awards: $350 – 1st place; $275 – 2nd place; $200 – 3rd place.
Patriot’s Pen is for grades 6-8. The national first-place winner wins $5,000 and an all-expense-paid trip to Washington, D.C. The essay theme is: “How Can I Be A Good American?” Local Post 2713 awards: $150 – 1st place; $100 – 2nd place; $75 – 3rd place. Bonus 1st place: 8th grade-$100; 7th grade $75; 6th grade-$50.
Both programs are approved by the National Association of Secondary School Principals.
Also: A VFW Washington State Department competition for students in Grades 3-5. The theme is: “Why do I stand for my Country’s flag?” Local Post 2713 awards: $100 – 1st place; $75 – 2nd place; $50 – 3rd place. Bonus 1st place: 5th grade-$75; 4th grade-$50; 3rd grade-$25.
This program is completely voluntary; a student (including home schooled) does not have to go through their school to participate.
Interested students and teachers should contact Bill Dwyer, wcajmg@gmail.com, telephone (206) 419-3998 after 5 pm, or Ben Skwiercz, bens@halcyon.com, telephone (425) 941-4651.
Local Post winners compete at the District level in December, and District winners advance to the state.
All entries must be in or postmarked to VFW Post 2713 by Oct. 31, 2021 at 3601 SW Alaska Street, Seattle, WA 98126.
Note that you can get entry forms and rules by following the links above, or find information/links for all three categories here.
Congratulations to last year’s VFW Post 2713 winners who hailed from Chief Sealth High School, Holy Rosary School, Madison Middle School, Kennedy Catholic High School, Our Lady of Guadalupe, and Summit Atlas.
Washington State Ferries says the #2 sailings on the Fauntleroy-Vashon-Southworth route are canceled “for the rest of the day” because of a crew shortage. So if you’re looking to sail on that route, check the schedule for a #1 or #3 sailing.
Author/illustrator Danitra Hunter‘s “Purrdie Burrdie” character is meant to inspire you to love and believe in yourself. The publication of her first book is a manifestation of what that belief can help you accomplish. She is at Paper Boat Booksellers (6040 California SW) all afternoon during the independent bookstore’s second-anniversary celebration – and tells us this is her first official event launching her book! She has coloring sheets for kids, too:
We first told you about Danitra and “Purrdie Burrdie” last year, when she was crowdfunding to get her book published. The campaign was a success – “I did it!” she enthused when we saw her today – and now her book’s available for purchase at Paper Boat, which is also a success, marking two years in business:
Co-proprietor Desirae Judy is there as are Paper Boat fans:
The shop is open today until 6 pm.
Those on duty at Seattle’s 33 fire stations took a moment at 8:46 am to pause and remember the 343 firefighters who lost their lives because of the 9/11 attacks. We were at Station 32 in The Junction for the brief remembrance.
The list of names was divided between the stations to be read aloud during the ceremony. Here are the names read at Station 32:
Benjamin Suarez
Daniel Suhr
Lt, Christopher Sullivan
Brian Edward Sweeney
Sean Tallon
Allan Tarasiewicz
Brian Tegtmeier
John Tiemey
John Tipping II
Hector Tirado
Richard Vanhine
City leaders are holding a remembrance ceremony right now (we’ll link the recording when it’s available).
Thanks to Allen for the photos. Along with flowers, someone has left a pictorial memorial at the Alki Statue of Liberty, which became a Seattle gathering place after the 9/11 attacks,
While hundreds gathered there for a 10th-anniversary vigil in 2011, nothing formal is planned today/tonight.
SIDE NOTE: On 9/11/2007, the refurbished statue was unveiled. The plaza surrounding it, with a new pedestal for the statue, was dedicated a year later.
From the WSB West Seattle Event Calendar and our previews:
TRAFFIC ALERTS: End-of-summer road work is at a fever pitch this weekend. SDOT is working at two spots on West Marginal Way today and tomorrow until about 1 pm, more Highland Park Way intersection work as well as tree-trimming near Puget Way … Curb-ramp work continues at 44th/Edmunds in The Junction … Outside West Seattle, southbound I-5 through downtown will be routed through the collector-distributor lanes all weekend … If you see unannounced road work, please text or call 206-293-6302 whenever you get where you’re going, so we can add it to the list – thank you!
9/11 COMMEMORATION: Not public, but on this 20th anniversary of 9/11, all Seattle Fire Department stations will join in remembering the 343 firefighters who were killed by reading their names while raising the flag this morning; then at 11 am, SFD and SPD will stream a ceremony that you can watch here.
NORTH SHOREWOOD PARK: Volunteers welcome at the park (10044 24th SW), 9 am-noon, as previewed here.
(added) FREE COMPOST: Just heard about this while it’s already in progress; thanks to Kyle for the tip. Until noon, the city is giving away compost again in the north lot at South Seattle College (6000 16th SW; WSB sponsor).
HPIC’S GIANT GARAGE SALE: 10 am-3 pm, shop the final “giant garage sale” of the season outside Highland Park Improvement Club (1116 SW Holden).
OTHER SALES: See who’s having individual yard sales today as listed in the WSB Community Forums!
PAPER BOAT BOOKSELLERS TURNS 2: The independent bookstore in Morgan Junction (6040 California SW) is celebrating its second anniversary today, as previewed here, with festivities 10 am-6 pm including a noon book signing and launch with Danitra Hunter (we reported last year on her Purrdie Burrdie).
SOUTH SEATTLE COLLEGE GARDEN CENTER: Open 10 am-3 pm so you can buy student-raised plants. North end of South Seattle College (6000 16th SW; WSB sponsor) campus. Bring cash, checks, your mask.
CATHY WOO ART SALE: Brace Point Pottery (4208 SW 100th) hosts a sale of Cathy Woo‘s work, with 40 percent benefiting Planned Parenthood, as explained in our calendar listing.
SOUTH DELRIDGE FARMERS’ MARKET: 11 am-3 pm outside Hope Academy (9421 18th SW), shop this monthly farmers’ market.
BYSTANDER INTERVENTION WORKSHOP: 1-3 pm at Admiral Church (4320 SW Hill) – learn how to fight hate in your neighborhood. Walk-ins welcome. Free (donations accepted).
OPEN MIC: Go show off at The Spot West Seattle (2920 SW Avalon Way), starting at 6 pm.
WEST SEATTLE DRAG SHOW: Dolly (Madison) and The DJ, 8 pm at Admiral Pub (2306 California SW).
Have an event – one-time or recurring – to list on our calendar? Just email us the info – westseattleblog@gmail.com – thank you!
Two wins in a row now for the West Seattle High School Wildcats. Tonight they traveled to Bellingham and scored another lopsided win, 34-6. Next Friday night, they’re the home team for this season’s Huling Bowl game against Chief Sealth International High School, 7 pm Friday (September 17th) at Nino Cantu Southwest Athletic Complex.