DELRIDGE PROJECT: The median plan, and this week’s work zones

(WSB photo)

Tonight we have a two-part update on the Delridge Way repaving/utilities project that’s preparing for the conversion of Metro Route 120 to the RapidRide H Line next year.

THE MEDIAN PLAN – AND PLANTING STRIPS: As part of the work, medians have been created along several stretches of Delridge. The concept for these dates back long before the RapidRide plan – neighborhood advocates had envisioned Delridge as more of a “boulevard.” But as the project progresses, the median spaces have lain empty, and readers have wondered what’s the landscaping plan, including maintenance. We took the question to SDOT, and here’s their response via spokesperson Madison Linkenmeyer:

We will install landscaping in the medians that will ensure year-round evergreen coverage, including species that are low-growing and derived from Pacific Northwest native plants. These plants were chosen due to their tolerance to mowing, which can help protect the plants from invasive weeds. This vegetation will be maintained by our contractor and the Urban Forestry maintenance team for the first three years after planting to ensure that the landscaping has been properly established in the medians and crossing islands.

After this three-year period, we will continue prioritizing maintenance in areas to ensure sightlines are clear for people traveling along the corridor. This maintenance includes trimming trees in the planting strips and other public right of way as needed. This type of maintenance is consistent with all landscaping throughout the city. We will mow and control weeds as needed in the medians.

In addition to the landscaped medians, the planting strips between the curbs and sidewalks along Delridge Way SW will be restored with grass lawns. Grass lawn is the standard type of landscaping to be used for permanent erosion control in Seattle. As with all properties across Seattle, it is the property owner’s responsibility to maintain the planting strips adjacent to their property. For people living in apartments or renting, it is the responsibility for the property owner/landlord, property management team, or homeowners association to maintain the public right of way. You can read more about these responsibilities on our website.

If residents are concerned with maintenance of the grass lawn, they are able to request that we look into installing wood chip mulch in the planting strip instead of grass. A planting strip with wood chip mulch would limit the maintenance needs and be helpful to those without lawn mowers. Residents would be responsible for planting their own landscaping in these planting strips in order to help with erosion control.

THIS WEEK’S PROJECT HIGHLIGHTS: Here are the key zones for this week’s work:

*Final channelization in Zones A and B will be wrapping up next week
-We will begin painting lane markings south of SW Orchard St later this year

*We are continuing to upgrade sidewalks, curb ramps, and electrical utilities at SW Findlay St through July, and will begin demolishing the sidewalks between SW Juneau St and SW Graham St through June. Paving for this work will occur later this summer.

*Bus stop upgrades at SW Myrtle St and SW Holly St continue. We will begin pouring the cement bus pads next week.

*Bus stop, sidewalk, and curb ramp upgrades at SW Thistle St on the west side of Delridge Way SW continue next week
-Additional sidewalk and curb ramp work will happen at SW Thistle St later this summer. The street will remain closed as we rebuild sidewalks and relocate pedestrian signal poles in the area. We will reopen the street as soon as possible.

*We will begin restoring the street between SW Holden St and SW Thistle St next week
-Driveways will be temporarily closed while we pour concrete in the street

*Intersection upgrades and road closure at SW Henderson St continue
-Please reference this detour map for additional details

Full details for this week’s work zones and closures can be found here.

4 Replies to "DELRIDGE PROJECT: The median plan, and this week's work zones"

  • pirate June 21, 2021 (12:00 pm)

    The problem with existing City policy of property owners maintaining the planting strip is most residents do not have equipment to maintain the grass/weeds that grow there. That was clear before they ripped up Delridge. Most areas are NOT maintained for a variety of reasons. The result will be weeds, tall grass and an unkempt street…making the neighborhood look uncared for. Even though most of us do care! We just don’t have lawnmowers!

    • Matt June 21, 2021 (12:41 pm)

      Welcome to being a home owner! The West Seattle tool library is nearby and has very affordable options:

    • winniegirl June 21, 2021 (2:35 pm)

      It stipulates that wood chips are an option for people that don’t have lawn equipment.  

  • Matt June 21, 2021 (12:38 pm)

    Is there an update on the Brandon street closure? Looks like most of the work in that intersection is complete, and SDOT is just using it for storage. Us residents have been patiently waiting for this intersection to re-open since the beginning of the project.

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